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The 5 Best Backgrounds For Rangers in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Backgrounds For Rangers in D&D 5e

A character’s background has a lot of depth behind it, even if some players don’t regard it as too important.

Backgrounds usually contain two essential aspects that a character needs to consider: whether the stats are beneficial and what the background says about the character before becoming an adventurer.

For a full roleplaying Ranger, you might look for backgrounds focusing on your dextrous ability, link with nature, and lonesome nature.

Best Ranger Backgrounds

5. Soldier


Skill Proficiencies – Athletics, Intimidation

Tool Proficiencies – One type of vehicle (land), Gaming set

Languages – None


  • Insignia of rank
  • A trophy that was taken from a fallen enemy (a dagger [Value: 2 GP Weight: 1 lb], broken blade, or piece of a banner)
  • Set of bone dice (Value: 1 SP Weight: 0) or a deck of cards (Value: 5 SP Weight: 0)
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 10 GP


Soldier is a fantastic background for a Ranger, as it gives Athletics, as well as a good tool proficiency.

Even the equipment of Soldier is great. The only thing you won’t use would be the Intimidation.

4. Far Traveler


Skill Proficiencies – Insight, Perception

Tool Proficiencies – Any one musical instrument or Gaming set you choose, likely something native to your homeland

Languages – Any one of your choice


  • Set of Traveler’s clothes (Value: 2 GP Weight: 4 lbs)
  • Any one musical instrument or Gaming set you’re proficient with
  • Poorly wrought maps from your homeland depicting where you’re in Faerûn
  • Small piece of jewelry worth 10 GP in the style of your homeland’s craftsmanship
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 5 GP


Far Traveler gives you Insight, which is good, and Perception, which is even better, as well as any one language and one tool proficiency.

The tool proficiency is fantastic, and the equipment can make for an interesting past.

3. Criminal


Skill Proficiencies – Deception, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – One type of Thieves’ tools, Gaming set

Languages – None


  • Crobaw (Value: 2 GP Weight: 5 lbs)
  • Set of dark common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs) including a hood
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 15 GP


If you want to be a Rogue/Ranger hybrid, then Criminal’s Deception and Stealth can be very useful.

The tool proficiency also allows you to gain access to Thieves’ tools so that you can act as the Rogue if your party doesn’t have one.

2. Urban Bounty Hunter


Skill Proficiencies – Choose two from among Deception, Insight, Perception, and Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – Choose two from among one type of Gaming set, one musical instrument, and Thieves’ tools

Languages – None


  • Set of clothes appropriate to your duties
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 20 GP


Urban Bounty Hunter leaves you with a few good Ranger/Rogue skills if you’re choosing to play a different role.

The two tool proficiencies are fantastic, as they allow you to get both a Gaming set and Thieves’ tools. The equipment is also a  big plus.

Urban Bounty Hunter also has a good backstory that can fit well with a different type of Ranger.

1. Urchin


Skill Proficiencies – Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – Disguise kit, Thieves’ tools

Languages – None


  • Small knife (Value: 0 Weight: 0)
  • Map of the city you grew up in
  • Pet mouse
  • Token to remember your parents by
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 10 GP


Rangers are a lot like Rogues, and if you’re deadset on being a Face Ranger, then you’ll need to take Urchin.

You don’t only get two vital Face skills, but you also get two fantastic tool proficiencies as well as some interesting equipment that dits quite well with a Ranger.

Final Thoughts

Rangers are the martial equivalent of Druids, protecting nature with their bow and stealthily taking out anyone who doesn’t respect their lands.

The backgrounds above fit Rangers well and give them quite a few benefits that they’ll enjoy throughout the game, even if they’re minute.

You can also choose to change the details of your background to fit your character’s flavor, which makes it even better than you previously thought!