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The 5 Best Backgrounds For Bards in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Backgrounds For Bards in D&D 5e

A character’s background has a lot of depth behind it, even if some players don’t regard it as too important.

Backgrounds usually contain two essential aspects that a character needs to consider: whether the stats are beneficial and what the background says about the character before becoming an adventurer.

For a full roleplaying Bard, you might look for backgrounds focusing on entertainment (music or performing), social aptitude, or joyful magic.

Best Bard Backgrounds

5. Courtier


Skill Proficiencies – Insight, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Two of your choice


  • Set of fine clothes (Value: 15 GP Weight: 6 lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 5 GP


Courtier gives you two useful Face skills as well as two languages, which fit well because of your high Charisma.

The equipment isn’t too useful, but the background itself can be made to work for a Bard’s backstory to a certain extent.

4. Urchin


Skill Proficiencies – Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – Disguise kit, Thieves’ tools

Languages – None


  • Small knife (Value: 0 Weight: 0)
  • Map of the city you grew up in
  • Pet mouse
  • Token to remember your parents by
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 10 GP


Urchin gives you two great Face skills if you want to act more like a Face and take on the role of a Rogue in your party.

The Disguise kit and Thieves’ tools also let you become stealthy and get through obstacles easily without making much noise.

3. Faction Agent


Skill Proficiencies – Insight and one Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom skill you choose, as appropriate to your faction

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Two of your choice


  • Badge or emblem (Value: 5 GP Weight: 0) of your faction
  • Copy of a seminal faction text (or a code book for a covert faction)
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 15 GP


Faction Agent gives quite one mental skill and a choice between one other Face, mental, or knowledge skill.

The languages suit you well because of your high Charisma, and the equipment you get isn’t bad at all.

2. Criminal


Skill Proficiencies – Deception, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – One type of Thieves’ tools, Gaming set

Languages – None


  • Crobaw (Value: 2 GP Weight: 5 lbs)
  • Set of dark common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs) including a hood
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 15 GP


Criminal is probably your best bet when wanting to become a rogueish Bard, as it gives you two great Face skills.

It also gives you proficiency with Thieves’ tools, which will make getting through obstacles like doors much easier without the need to use magic.

1. Urban Bounty Hunter


Skill Proficiencies – Choose two from among Deception, Insight, Perception, and Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – Choose two from among one type of Gaming set, one musical instrument, and Thieves’ tools

Languages – None


  • Set of clothes appropriate to your duties
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 20 GP


Urban Bounty Hunter is a very versatile background that fits well with the Bard because of its Face skills.

It also gives you a choice between three tool proficiencies, which can all be useful for the Bard.

While the background itself doesn’t fit too well with a Bard’s backstory, it might fit better for a rogueish Bard, and the 20 GP isn’t something to scoff about.

Final Thoughts

We all know Bards to be charismatic, instrument-wielding goofballs, but certain backgrounds give a completely different flavor to the character or embrace their conventional self.

No matter which Bard you build, the backgrounds listed above can give you a good idea of what you can potentially build and what you should build if you want to optimize your Bard!