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The 5 Best Backgrounds for Humans in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Backgrounds for Humans in D&D 5e

Human characters deserve a story-rich background, as it not only defines their unique identities but also sets the stage for an immersive role-playing experience.

Let’s embark on a quest to discover the backgrounds that weave tales of ambition, resilience, and the extraordinary paths that await your Human adventurer.

What Are Backgrounds in D&D 5e?

Backgrounds are more than simple stat boosts in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. They reveal where your character came from, why you became an adventurer, and your place in the world.

Before choosing your Background, ask yourself a few questions:

  • What was I before I became an adventurer?
  • Why did I stop doing what my Background explains and become an adventurer?
  • Where did I get the money to buy my starting equipment?
  • Where did I learn the skills used in my class?
  • What’s different about me compared to others with the same Background?

Best Backgrounds for Humans

5. Knight

Skill Proficiencies – Persuasion, History

Tool Proficiencies – One type of gaming set

Languages – Choose one

Equipment – A banner or token from a noble lord or lady to whom you’ve given your heart (the person can be your Bond), a signet ring, a set of fine clothes, a scroll of pedigree, and a purse with 25GP.

Why the Knight?

Humans often become Paladins, and being a Knight is befitting of a Paladin.

Whether you have Retainers to help you with mundane tasks or use the Position of Privilege to be welcomed in high society, both are very good features to have on any Human character.

4. Noble

Skill Proficiencies – Persuasion, History

Tool Proficiencies – One type of gaming set

Languages – Choose one

Equipment – A signet ring, a set of fine clothes, a scroll of pedigree, and a purse with 25GP.

Why the Noble?

Noble Humans have the Position of Privilege feature that makes people think the best of them, gaining access to high society, and you can even get an audience with a local noble.

3. Acolyte

Skill Proficiencies – Religion, Insight

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Choose two

Equipment – One holy symbol (gifted to you when you entered the priesthood), a set of common clothes, vestments, 5 sticks of incense, a prayer book or prayer wheel, and a pouch with 15GP.

Why the Acolyte?

Humans can make good Clerics or Paladins, and when combined with an Acolytle’s Shelter of Faith, you’ll never need a shelter again.

2. Soldier

Skill Proficiencies – Intimidation, Athletics

Tool Proficiencies – Vehicles (land), One type of gaming set

Languages – None

Equipment – A trophy you took from a fallen enemy (a piece of a banner, dagger, or broken blade), a set of common clothes, a deck of cards or a set of bone dice, an insignia of rank, and a pouch with 10GP.

Why the Soldier?

Human soldiers are found throughout any region in D&D, as Humans love nothing more than fighting for land, and so where there are soldiers, there are also encampments.

Therefore, with Military Rank, your party, accompanied by your Human, will be able to rest in secure military encampments and fortresses along your journey.

1. Outlander

Skill Proficiencies – Survival, Athletics

Tool Proficiencies – One type of musical instrument

Languages – One you choose

Equipment – A trophy from an animal you killed, a set of traveler’s clothes, a hunting trap, a staff, and a pouch with 10GP.

Why the Outlander?

There is always perilous terrain and bustling settlements requiring an expert to navigate through them.

With Wanderer, your Human will always know exactly where you’re going and where to find fresh water and food.

Final Thoughts

Whether pursuing religion as an Acolyte, showcasing martial prowess as a Soldier, or navigating the intrigues of society as a Noble, each background enriches the human experience in fantastical realms.

Your character’s story is a blank canvas waiting for your imagination to paint, so choose a background that resonates with you and embark on an epic adventure that reflects the diverse nature of humanity in the world of D&D.