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The 5 Best Backgrounds For Monks in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Backgrounds For Monks in D&D 5e

A character’s background has a lot of depth behind it, even if some players don’t regard it as too important.

Backgrounds usually contain two essential aspects that a character needs to consider: whether the stats are beneficial and what the background says about the character before becoming an adventurer.

For a full roleplaying Monk, you might look for backgrounds focusing on seclusion, martial arts, and self-determination.

Best Monk Backgrounds

5. Far Traveler


Skill Proficiencies – Insight, Perception

Tool Proficiencies – Any one musical instrument or Gaming set you choose, likely something native to your homeland

Languages – Any one of your choice


  • Set of Traveler’s clothes (Value: 2 GP Weight: 4 lbs)
  • Any one musical instrument or Gaming set you’re proficient with
  • Poorly wrought maps from your homeland depicting where you’re in Faerûn
  • Small piece of jewelry worth 10 GP in the style of your homeland’s craftsmanship
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 5 GP


Insight and Perception are great skills to have as a Monk, and Far Traveler makes them easy to get your hands on.

The rest might not be too useful, as the equipment itself isn’t too promising for a monk either.

4. Faction Agent


Skill Proficiencies – Insight and one Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom skill you choose, as appropriate to your faction

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Two of your choice


  • Badge or emblem (Value: 5 GP Weight: 0) of your faction
  • Copy of a seminal faction text (or a code book for a covert faction)
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 15 GP


Faction Agent gives you some versatility when choosing skills, as it lets you pick up Perception or another skill you might want.

The languages aren’t very useful as you have low Charisma, but being associated with a faction could add some detail to your backstory.

3. Hermit


Skill Proficiencies – Medicine, Religion

Tool Proficiencies – Herbalism kit

Languages – One of your choice


  • Scroll case (Value: 1 GP Weight: 1 lb) stuffed full of notes from your prayers or studies
  • Winter blanket (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3 lbs)
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Herbalism kit (Value: 5 GP Weight: 3 lbs)
  • 5 GP


Hermit gives you Religion, which is already a Monk skill, and Medicine, which is usually useless but can be used efficiently with your high Wisdom.

The Herbalism kit lets you make magical potions, like healing potions, which helps a lot if your party is limited to 4 or fewer members.

2. Criminal


Skill Proficiencies – Deception, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – One type of Thieves’ tools, Gaming set

Languages – None


  • Crobaw (Value: 2 GP Weight: 5 lbs)
  • Set of dark common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs) including a hood
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 15 GP


Criminal gives you Stealth skill, and you also gain proficiency with Thieves’ tools, both of which excel when used by a rogueish Monk.

You also get 15 GP, which is pretty decent, but the rest isn’t all too useful.

Criminal might not fit a Monk’s backstory as well as others, but it can definitely work if you’re playing a vagrant Monk or something of the sort.

1. Urchin


Skill Proficiencies – Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – Disguise kit, Thieves’ tools

Languages – None


  • Small knife (Value: 0 Weight: 0)
  • Map of the city you grew up in
  • Pet mouse
  • Token to remember your parents by
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 10 GP


If you’re a Monk who wants to act like a Rogue, then you should go with Urchin.

The Sleight of Hand and Stealth skills are incredible, and the Disguise kit, as well as the Thieves’ tools, will help your party access otherwise inaccessible areas.

It isn’t too difficult to imagine a Monk who’s gone through immense difficulty being taken in by a martial artist and learning how to defend himself, rising out of his miserable existence, and finding monastic peace.

Final Thoughts

Monks are the martial artists of the D&D world, focusing on monastic abilities to perform all kinds of crazy feats.

The backgrounds mentioned above generally fit Monks the best, giving them small benefits to increase their overall strength and versatility, which they desperately need.

Each background can even be changed to fit your Monk’s flavor, retaining the benefits but changing the events that led to them becoming an adventurer!