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The 5 Best Backgrounds for Satyrs in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Backgrounds for Satyrs in D&D 5e

Satyrs are charismatic and enigmatic, their selection of backgrounds unveiling avenues of intrigue and adventure.

Discover the five most captivating backgrounds meticulously curated for Satyr characters in D&D 5e.

What Are Backgrounds in D&D 5e?

Backgrounds are more than simple stat boosts in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. They reveal where your character came from, why you became an adventurer, and your place in the world.

Before choosing your Background, ask yourself a few questions:

  • What was I before I became an adventurer?
  • Why did I stop doing what my Background explains and become an adventurer?
  • Where did I get the money to buy my starting equipment?
  • Where did I learn the skills used in my class?
  • What’s different about me compared to others with the same Background?

Best Backgrounds for Satyrs

5. Courtier

Skill Proficiencies – Persuasion, Insight

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Choose two

Equipment – Set of fine clothes and a pouch with 5GP.

Why the Courtier?

Courtiers have the Court Functionary feature, granting you knowledge of bureaucracies and access to records of governments and noble courts. You know who to ask for favors.

Satyrs are well known for being charismatic creatures, often loved by those they interact with. All it takes is some sweet talk and a little bit of confidence for a nobleman or even a king to change his mind!

4. Charlatan

Skill Proficiencies – Sleight of Hand, Deception

Tool Proficiencies – Forgery kit, Disguise kit

Languages – None

Equipment – Tools of the con of your choice (a signet ring, a deck of marked cards, a set of weighted dice, or ten stoppered bottles filled with a colored liquid), a set of fine clothes, a disguise kit, and a pouch with 15GP.

Why the Charlatan?

As a Charlatan, you can use False Identity to disguise yourself, allowing you to perform certain acts without being noticed.

It even allows you to forge official documents and handwriting you’re trying to copy, which can change many outcomes in a more political campaign.

3. Soldier

Skill Proficiencies – Intimidation, Athletics

Tool Proficiencies – Vehicles (land), One type of gaming set

Languages – None

Equipment – A trophy you took from a fallen enemy (a piece of a banner, dagger, or broken blade), a set of common clothes, a deck of cards or a set of bone dice, an insignia of rank, and a pouch with 10GP.

Why the Soldier?

Soldiers receive the Military Rank feature, allowing you to exert your rank and impose authority over soldiers lower than you.

This authority can grant you and your party access to fortresses, encampments, simple equipment, and horses.

Satyrs aren’t expressly made for war, though their cheery attitude and unmatched dexterity make them expert ranged units, some even preferring sword and shield or two-handed combat styles.

2. Entertainer

Skill Proficiencies – Performance, Acrobatics

Tool Proficiencies – One type of musical instrument and a Disguise kit

Languages – None

Equipment – One musical instrument you choose, a costume, the favor of an admirer (trinket, love letter, or lock of hair), and a pouch with 15GP.

Why the Entertainer?

Entertainers have the By Popular Demand feature, allowing them to perform in places like taverns or courts for free lodging and food.

This stay can be lengthened by performing for the owners every night, and with each performance, your fame with the locals will increase.

Satyrs can easily use their goofy appearance and dexterity to perform all sorts of entertaining tricks that will make a stay in any tavern or inn one to remember!

1. Outlander

Skill Proficiencies – Survival, Athletics

Tool Proficiencies – One type of musical instrument

Languages – One you choose

Equipment – A trophy from an animal you killed, a set of traveler’s clothes, a hunting trap, a staff, and a pouch with 10GP.

Why the Outlander?

Outlanders have the Wanderer feature, giving them an excellent memory for geography and maps. Allowing them to always recall the general layout of settlements, terrain, and features around them.

They can also find fresh water and food for themselves and up to five others every day if the land offers water, small game, berries, and other things.

Satyrs enjoy frolicking in nature, as they once came from a realm of natural splendor, and thus, they have their own ways of surviving in the wilds in which others would perish.

Final Thoughts

Whether embracing the wild allure of an Outlander, the charismatic pursuits of a Courtier, or the physical prowess of a Soldier, players are offered a rich canvas upon which to paint their Satyr character’s backstory and motivations.

These backgrounds not only provide mechanical benefits but also serve as springboards for immersive roleplaying experiences in D&D 5e.