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The 5 Best Classes for Grungs in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Classes for Grungs in D&D 5e

Leap into Action with These Top Picks! Explore the best classes for Grungs, known for their vibrant colors and deadly toxins.

These classes synergize with a Grung’s traits, offering dynamic play styles from agile fighters to cunning tricksters. Embark on exciting adventures with these top selections!

Best Classes for Grungs

5. Ranger

Primary Ability Score – Dexterity

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Wisdom

Spellcasting Ability – Wisdom

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial

Why the Ranger?

Grung Rangers should increase Dexterity by +2 and Constitution or Wisdom by +1.

Rangers are good at using Poisonous Skin with their weapons, shooting poisoned projectiles at enemies, and watching how they suffer.

This also increases the Ranger’s damage in the early game, helping you get on your feet and later multiclass into a stronger scaling class if you want to.

Rangers also benefit from Arboreal Alertness, which brings them closer to the Rogue, and Poison Immunity, which gives them durability against one of the most common damage types.

Recommended Ranger Archetypes

  • Fey Wanderer
  • Gloom Stalker
  • Swarmkeeper

4. Paladin

Primary Ability Scores – Charisma and Strength

Secondary Ability Score – Constitution

Spellcasting Ability – Charisma

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial

Why the Paladin?

Grung Paladins should increase Charisma or Strength by +2 and Charisma or Constitution by +1

Paladins can also use the poison from Poisonous Skin on their weapons, but since Paladins can deal more damage with their Cantrips, this isn’t always your best bet.

Arboreal Alertness gives you an extra skill and immunity to Poison, increases your durability in the early game.

Recommended Paladin Sacred Oaths

  • Conquest
  • Vengeance

3. Barbarian

Primary Ability Score – Strength

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Dexterity to a lesser extent

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial

Why the Barbarian?

Grung Barbarians should increase Strength by +2 and Constitution by +1.

The poison damage added to your attacks from Poisonous Skin can add up quickly, and even if it can be applied as much, the fact that you already deal heaps of damage makes it worth it.

Standing Leap also allows you to get more out of jumping, and if you take The Path of the Beast, you can get even more out of jumps.

Recommended Barbarian Primal Paths

  • Beast
  • Totem Warrior

2. Monk

Primary Ability Score – Dexterity

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Wisdom

Armor Proficiencies – None

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Shortswords

Why the Monk?

Grung Monks should increase Dexterity by +2 and Constitution or Wisdom by +1.

Monks get the most attacks out of any character for more than half of the game, making the poison applied to your attacks even deadlier than previously mentioned.

Note: You should remember that striking an enemy with unarmed strikes will count as an enemy touching your skin, so they will become poisoned.

Poison Immunity is nice to have until Purity of Body becomes available at level 10.

Recommended Monastic Traditions

  • Way of the Long Death

1. Fighter

Primary Ability Score – Strength (STR-based), Dexterity (DEX-based)

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution

Spellcasting Ability – Intelligence (For Eldritch Knight)

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial

Why the Fighter?

Grung Fighters should increase Strength or Dexterity by +2 and Constitution by +1.

Fighters are the best at applying the Grung’s poison, effortlessly being able to deal tons of damage.

Since Fighters have the second most attacks in the game, most of which already deal good amounts of damage, combining it with Poisonous Skin is just unfair.

One of the best ways to apply as much poison as possible is through two-weapon fighting.

Arboreal Alertness gives you extra skills, and Standing Leap makes it easier to traverse difficult terrain.

Recommended Fighter Martial Archetypes

  • Battle Master
  • Echo Knight
  • Samurai

Final Thoughts

Whether you favor the stealth and agility of a Ranger, the primal connection of a Barbarian, or the divine powers of a Paladin, each class offers unique abilities that can complement the Grung’s natural abilities and vibrant culture.