Embrace Your Hybrid Nature! Delve into the best classes for Simic Hybrids, renowned for their adaptive biology and hybrid forms.
These classes synergize with a Simic Hybrid’s traits, providing dynamic play styles from agile infiltrators to resilient bruisers. Unleash your potential with these optimal choices!
Best Classes for Simic Hybrids
5. Rogue
Primary Ability Score – Dexterity
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Intelligence (For Arcane Tricksters)
Armor Proficiencies – Light
Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Shortswords, Rapiers, Longswords, Hand Crossbows
Why the Rogue?
Simic Hybrid Rogues should increase Dexterity by +2 and Constitution by +1.
Rogues benefit from climbing speed almost as much as flying speed, as it allows them to use unconventional methods to suppress their enemies.
Even though most Animal Enhancements don’t improve a Rogue’s abilities, Carapace remains a good choice overall.
It would’ve been nice if other enhancements worked with Sneak Attack, but only increasing your AC isn’t bad, so you should stick with it.
Recommended Rogue Archetypes
- Assassin
- Soulknife
- Swashbuckler
4. Ranger
Primary Ability Score – Dexterity
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Wisdom
Spellcasting Ability – Wisdom
Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial
Why the Ranger?
Simic Hybrid Rangers should increase Dexterity or Strength by +2 and Constitution by +1.
With Carapace, your Ranger will be able to have more than enough AC to take on a Strength build, but it also works well as a Dexterity build, giving you versatility.
However, this doesn’t mean you should forget about Constitution, as it’s crucial to stay alive as a Strength-oriented Ranger.
Recommended Ranger Archetypes
- Beast Master/Drakewarden
- Gloom Stalker
- Swarmkeeper
3. Fighter
Primary Ability Score – Strength (STR-based), Dexterity (DEX-based)
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution
Spellcasting Ability – Intelligence (For Eldritch Knight)
Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields
Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial
Why the Fighter?
Simic Hybrid Fighters should increase Strength by +2 and Constitution by +1.
Fighters love grappling, and since you get an appendage for grappling, you should go for a Strength build.
However, that doesn’t mean you should rely solely on grappling, as Fighters have access to different attacks, even as grapplers.
So, if you try grappling a creature but miss, you can always follow up with one of your other attacks or abilities.
Recommended Fighter Martial Archetypes
- Battle Master
- Rune Knight
2. Monk
Primary Ability Score – Dexterity
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Wisdom
Armor Proficiencies – None
Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Shortswords
Why the Monk?
Simic Hybrid Monks should increase Dexterity by +2 and Wisdom by +1.
Both Nimble Climber and Underwater Adaptation will benefit from your increased speed, and since you have access to more than one form of movement, the way you attack and scout is amplified.
At level 5, you can abandon different movements and take on grappling or even increase your AC, making your build even more versatile.
Recommended Monastic Traditions
- Way of Mercy
- Way of the Long Death
1. Barbarian
Primary Ability Score – Strength
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Dexterity to a lesser extent
Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial
Why the Barbarian?
Simic Hybrid Barbarians should increase Strength by +2 and Constitution by +1.
Barbarians benefit from multiple Animal Enhancements, the most noticeable being Manta Glide, Grappling Appendages, and Carapce.
With Carapace, you can easily reach 23 AC (including a shield), use Manta Glide combined with jumping, and grapple enemies because of your high Strength with Grappling Appendages.
Recommended Barbarian Primal Paths
- Beast
- Totem
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re inclined towards the adaptive combat skills of a Fighter, the stealth and cunning of a Rogue, or the primal fury of a Barbarian, each class offers unique synergies with the Simic Hybrid’s hybrid nature and biological enhancements.