Unleash Your Mutated Potential! Delve into the best class selections for Verdan, a race marked by their adaptive mutations and resilience.
These classes harmonize with a Verdan’s traits, providing dynamic play styles from stealthy scouts to resilient bruisers. Unravel new adventures with these optimal choices!
Best Classes for Verdan
5. Sorcerer
Primary Ability Score – Charisma
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Dexterity
Spellcasting Ability – Charisma
Armor Proficiencies – None
Weapons Proficiencies – Daggers, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows, Darts, Slings
Why the Sorcerer?
Verdan Sorcerers should increase Charisma by +2 and Constitution by +1.
Sorcerers get the most out of a Verdan’s Black Blood Healing, and since they rely quite heavily on it, being able to re-roll a 1 or 2 lets them live much longer than usual.
Persuasive makes you an even better Face, while Telepathic Insight makes you less likely to fail Wisdom saves and makes it difficult for you to fail your Charisma saves.
Note: Limited Telepathy can be useful if you play the Face role and pair with a stealthy character to easily get information and apprehend enemies without being seen.
Recommended Sorcerer Origins
- Aberrant Mind
- Shadow Magic
4. Monk
Primary Ability Score – Dexterity
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Wisdom
Armor Proficiencies – None
Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Shortswords
Why the Monk?
Verdan Monks should increase Dexterity by +2 and Constitution by +1.
Monks don’t have great AC at lower levels, making Black Blood Healing crucial to regaining health after fights and surviving longer runs.
Telepathic Insight gives you a better chance to succeed in your necessary Wisdom saves. While Charisma as a whole might not be widely used, Intimidation could be used in certain situations.
Recommended Monastic Tradition
- Way of the Long Death
3. Bard
Primary Ability Score – Charisma
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Dexterity
Spellcasting Ability – Charisma
Armor Proficiencies – Light
Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Shortswords, Rapiers, Longswords, Hand Crossbow
Why the Bard?
Verdan Bards should increase Charisma by +2 and Constitution by +1.
While you won’t see direct combat as often as Monks, you will still benefit from Black Blood Healing. Taking damage can significantly increase your chances of death because of your poor AC, which greatly helps.
Telepathic Insight covers your Charisma saves, which are incredibly important, and Perception, which you can find ample use for in most campaigns.
Recommended Bard Colleges
- Eloquence
- Lore
2. Wizard
Primary Ability Score – Intelligence
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Dexterity
Spellcasting Ability – Intelligence
Armor Proficiencies – None
Weapons Proficiencies – Light crossbows, Quarterstaffs, Slings, Darts, Daggers
Why the Wizard?
Verdan Wizards should increase Intelligence by +2 and Constitution by +1.
Like the Sorcerer, Wizards benefit from Black Blood Healing because of their d6 Hit Dice, and Limited Telepathy can help when you don’t have direct contact with an ally.
Telepathic Insight defends against harmful Charisma saves (which are an issue for you) and ensures you succeed on Wisdom saves, as you already have proficiency in Wisdom.
Recommended Wizard Arcane Traditions
- Chronurgy Magic
- School of Divination
- School of Evocation
- School of Illusion
1. Artificer
Primary Ability Score – Intelligence
Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Dexterity
Spellcasting Ability – Intelligence
Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons Proficiencies – Simple
Why the Artificer?
Verdan Artificers should increase Intelligence by +2 and Constitution by +1 (Simply switch the two around for more durability).
Black Blood Healing isn’t as effective on Artificers as with Wizards or Sorcerers, but your AC is higher, so taking damage isn’t as detrimental.
Telepathic Insight will cover you against harmful Charisma and Wisdom saves and allow you to use Perception if needed.
Recommended Artificer Specialists
- Armorer
- Battle Smith
Final Thoughts
From the charm and guile of a Bard, the arcane depth of a Sorcerer, to the plentiful arcane knowledge of a Wizard, each class offers unique synergies with the Verdan’s adaptable nature and charismatic presence.