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The 15 Best Magic Items For Clerics in D&D 5e [Ranked]

The 15 Best Magic Items For Clerics in D&D 5e [Ranked]

Clerics can have many roles: supportive, utility-based, control, or even partial damage dealing.

The items of the Cleric focus mainly on keeping the Cleric alive long enough to support his party members, while others help to buff or empower party members.

There are items that empower their spellcasting as well, but most of the items function better when used to fill in for lacking ability scores, increase durability, or help their party members.

Best Magic Items for the Cleric in 5e

15. Eyes of the Eagle

Rarity – Uncommon (requiring attunement)

Item Type – Wondrous item


Wearing these crystal lenses gives you advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight. 

In conditions where you have clear visibility, you can make out details of very distant objects and creatures as small as 2 feet across.


If you’re tired of enemies sneaking up on you, then Eyes of the Eagle is perfect.

Having this item forces enemies to use magic if they want to get to you undetected, which most enemies don’t have anyway.

14. Belt of Giant Strength (Hill)

Rarity – Rare, Very Rare, or Legendary (all requiring attunement)

Item Type – Wondrous item


Wearing the belt changes your Strength score with that granted by the belt. Having Strength equal to or greater than that of the belt mitigates any effects of the belt.

Six varieties of the belt exist, corresponding with and having rarity according to the six kinds of true giants.

Hill Giant21Rare
Stone/Frost Giant23Very Rare
Fire Giant25Very Rare
Cloud Giant27Legendary
Storm Giant29Legendary



As long as the Belt of Giant Strength exists, there’s no reason to raise your Strength stat.

Strength-based characters will get the most benefit from this, but those who want to get a little creative might also enjoy the crazy Strength increase they get from it.

13. Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)

Rarity – Uncommon (requiring attunement)

Item Type – Wondrous item


While on your person, you have a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws.


Almost any character can use the Stone of Good Luck to their benefit.

Characters who are mostly reliant on ability checks and skills will find Stone of Good Luck as a perfect default item.

12. Ring of Amity

Rarity – Very Rare (requiring attunement)

Item Type – Ring


The first time you attune to this ring, you may touch a willing creature, forming a magical bond between the two of you. 

While the bond lasts, whenever you’re subjected to a magical effect or spell that restores HP, the bonded creature will also receive the benefits of the effect or spell.

Whenever you finish a long rest, you may bond to a different creature, but the creature must be in touch range and be willing.

A creature may only benefit from one Ring of Amity’s bond at the same time. 

The bond will end if the creature severs the bond as a bonus action, if you bond with a different creature, or if you or the creature travels to a different plane of existence.

Invoking the Rune – If a bonded creature hits a target using an attack roll, you may use your reaction to invoke the ring’s rune if you’re within 60 feet of the bonded creature.

The bonded creature’s attack will then be turned into a critical hit. After a ring’s rune has been invoked, it cannot be invoked again until the next break of dawn.


Clerics already provide a lot of utility to a party, but when used in combination with the Ring of Amity, they can focus on keeping themselves and their Defender alive at the same time.

You can also get some use out of your Reaction and turn your bonded creature’s attack into a critical hit, potentially killing a creature or even activating an ability or item for them.

11. Sentinel Shield

Rarity – Uncommon

Item Type – Armor (shield)


If you are holding a shield, you gain advantage on initiative rolls as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks.

The shield is also emblazoned with the symbol of an eye.


Perception is widely known to be the most rolled skill in D&D, and Clerics are often one of the classes with the best Perception.

Therefore, since Clerics usually also have shields, Sentinel Shield fits perfectly with Clerics, allowing them to gain advantage in Perception checks and initiative rolls.

10. Ring of Three Wishes

Rarity – Legendary

Item Type – Ring


Whilst wearing the ring, you may use an action to expend 1 of its 3 actions to cast the Wish spell from the ring.

The ring will become nonmagical when the last charge has been used.


The Ring of Three Wishes is best used to cast Wish to do one of the things that risks permanently removing the ability to cast Wish.

The best course of action would be to then get rid of the ring by giving it to another player (ideally, one that won’t ever be able to cast Wish).

The Ring of Three Wishes can be pretty difficult to rank, as it depends entirely on what you do with the ring and if you’ll lose the ability to cast it again.

9. Amulet of the Devout

Rarity – Uncommon (+1), Rare (+2), Very Rare (+3) (requiring attunement by a Cleric or Paladin)

Item Type – Wondrous item


Wearing the holy symbol lets you gain a bonus to both spell attack rolls and saving throw DCs of your spells. The amulet’s rarity determines the bonus.

Wearing the amulet lets you use your Channel Divinity feature without having to expend one of the feature’s uses. Once this property has been used, it cannot be used again until the next break of dawn.


Even though the bonus you get to your spell attacks and save DCs is based on the spell’s rarity, getting an extra use of Channel Divinity already makes the Amulet of the Devout pretty strong.

It also fits pretty well with the Harness Divine Power class feature.

8. Ring of Spell Storing

Rarity – Rare (requiring attunement)

Item Type – Ring


Spells cast into the ring are stored (up to 5 levels worth of spells are able to be stored in the ring at one time), holding them until the attuned wearer decides to use them.  

When the ring is found, it can contain 1d6 -1 levels of stored spells (chosen by the DM).

Any creature is able to cast a spell of 1st to 5th level into the ring by simply touching it as the spell is cast. Doing this makes the spell have no effect other than being stored in the ring.

However, if the ring cannot hold the spell, it will be expended without effect. The level of the spell slot used to cast the spell will determine how much space it takes up.

Wearing the ring lets you cast any spell stored within it. The spell will use the slot level, spell attack bonus, spell save DC, and spellcasting ability of the original caster but is otherwise treated as a normal cast spell.

A spell cast from the ring is no longer stored within it, freeing up space in the ring.


The Ring of Spell Storing has a lot of uses, but the best way to use it would be to pump it with defensive spells to increase your durability.

Spells like Absorb Elements or Shield work extremely well when put into a Ring of Spell Storing.

7. Amulet of Health

Rarity – Rare (requiring attunement)

Item Type – Wondrous item


Your Constitution score rises to 19 while wearing this amulet. It will have no effect on you if your Constitution is at 19 or higher before wearing it.


Amulet of Health is perfect if you either want to set your Constitution to 19 and keep it there or if you want to have a high Constitution so that you can focus on increasing other Ability Scores.

You’re also able to take more Feats since you won’t have to focus on increasing your Constitution so that you don’t die instantly at higher levels.

6. Guardian Emblem

Rarity – Uncommon (requiring attunement by a Cleric or Paladin)

Item Type – Wondrous item


By using an action, you can attach the emblem to a suit of armor or shield or remove it.

The emblem has 3 charges. When you or a visible creature within 30 feet of you suffers a critical hit whilst wielding the shield or wearing the armor bearing the emblem, you may use your reaction to expend 1 charge and turn the critical hit into a normal hit.

The emblem will regain all its expended charges each day at dawn.


Guardian Emblem serves as the perfect item if you want to prevent members of your party from taking damage (especially the frontline, as they’re usually targeted the most).

You might think that 3 charges per day could make this item a bit limited, but the critical hits deal a lot of damage, and snuffing them out can have a huge impact.

5. Tome of Understanding

Rarity – Very Rare

Item Type – Wondrous item


Spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or less studying this book, increasing your Wisdom score by 2, as well as your maximum for it.

After this, the tome will lose its magic, only regaining it in a century.


Clerics rely on Wisdom to fuel their spells, and getting a Wisdom increase after hitting a Wisdom score of 20 should be your goal with Tome of Understanding.

However, if you don’t already have 20 Wisdom, the maximum Wisdom increase is also pretty nice to have.

4. Manual of Bodily Health

Rarity – Very Rare

Item Type – Wondrous item


Spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or less studying this book, increasing your Constitution score by 2, as well as your maximum for it.

After this, the manual will lose its magic, only regaining it in a century.


Raising your Constitution score, as well as its maximum, makes it easier for you to focus on other Ability Scores, gain HP, or just raise your Constitution score and Constitution maximum.

So, if you don’t have an item that raises your Constitution and you don’t want to use it anyway, then Manual of Bodily Health is perfect for you.

The reason why Manual of Bodily Health is ranked above Tome of Understanding is because it enables you to spend more Ability Score Increases on increasing Wisdom and lets you focus less on Constitution.

3. Cloak of Invisibility

Rarity – Legendary (requiring attunement)

Item Type – Wondrous item


Wearing the cloak lets you pull down its hood over your head and become invisible. While invisible, anything you’re wearing or carrying is also invisible.

When you stop wearing the hood, you become visible, and pulling the hood up or down requires an action.

The cloak’s maximum duration is 2 hours, so deduct the time you’re invisible using increments of 1 minute.

After being used for 2 hours, the cloak stops functioning. If a period of 12 uninterrupted hours passes without the cloak being used, 1 hour of duration is regained.


Having invisibility, especially invisibility that doesn’t get canceled after you cast a spell or attack (which Cloak of Invisibility has), is too powerful not to take.

However, it’s not only for attacks, as it can work well if you just want to sneak around or even gather information without being seen.

Note: Combining Cloak of Invisibility with an ability that muffles your footsteps or gives you advantage on Stealth checks makes it even better.

2. Stonebreaker Breastplate

Rarity – A

Item Type – A


Though it is made out of marbled granite, this breastplate weighs no more than an ordinary metal breastplate and is emblazoned with the stone rune.

Wearing the breastplate gives you resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage, and you are also immune to being knocked prone.

Invoking the Rune – Using an action lets you invoke the breastplate’s rune to cast the Wall of Stone spell (save DC 14). 

Casting the spell this way gives you advantage on saves made to maintain Concentration on the spell.

Once this rune has been invoked, it cannot be invoked again until the next break of dawn.

Note: The armor consists of a fitted metal chest piece worn with supple leather. It leaves legs and arms relatively unprotected, yet the armor provides good protection for vital organs and leaves the wearing relatively unencumbered.


Having resistance to some of the most common damage types in the game can’t be beaten by a lot of items.

You should also take into account that the Stonebreaker Breastplate is one of the better medium armor options out there for you.

1. Cloak of Displacement

Rarity – Rare (requiring attunement)

Item Type – Wondrous item


Wearing this cloak projects an illusion that makes it look like you’re standing in a place close to your actual location, giving creatures disadvantage on attack rolls against you.

Taking damage will stop this function until the start of your next turn. This property is also suppressed while you are restrained, incapacitated, or unable to move.


The Cloak of Displacement is considered to be one of the best defensive items for any character in D&D.

Giving creatures who want to attack you disadvantage is amazing, but try to take care of enemies who can damage you without having to expend an attack roll.

Final Thoughts

Clerics are already exceptionally powerful, but when magic items are put into the mix, things become a bit insane.

Though they don’t get many items that boost their damage, their real power comes from their utility, control, and durability (even though Clerics are spellcasters).