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The 5 Best Races For Barbarians 5e D&D

The 5 Best Races For Barbarians 5e D&D

Barbarians are well known for being physically capable brutes, often wielding large weapons and overpowering their enemies with sheer might.

Similarly, their best races target exactly what makes them so powerful: Strength, Constitution, and Feats.

Best Races for Barbarians 5e D&D

5. Orc

Ability Score Increase – One score by 2 and a different one by 1 OR Three different scores by 1.

Age – Orcs reach adulthood between 12 and 14 years and usually live anywhere from 50 to 80 years old.

Alignment – Most Orcs are raiders who respect strength above all else and despise weakness, which usually turns them toward Chaotic Evil, though this is not always the case.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium, mostly over 6 feet tall and weighing between 230 and 280 pounds.

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Darkvision (60 feet), Aggressive, Primal Intuition, and Powerful Build.

Languages – Speak, read, and Write Orc and Common.

Because Orcs have the Adrenaline Rush feature, a Barbarian can get improved movements with a Dash without having to use an action, and instead using a bonus action.

The Relentless Endurance ability is also helpful, though the chance of being taken to 0 HP gets less and less the longer a game continues, but there is always a possibility.

4. Half-Orc

Ability Score Increase – Strength score by 2, and Constitution score by 1.

Age – Half-Orcs reach adulthood at age 14, aging quickly and usually not living longer than 75 years.

Alignment – Their Orc parents give them a tendency towards chaos and are not often inclined toward Good. Half-Orcs raised by Orcs are more likely to turn towards Evil.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium, ranging from 5 to over 6 feet and weighing between 180 – 250 pounds.

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Darkvision, Menacing, Relentless Endurance, and Savage Attacks.

Languages – Speak, read, and write Orc and Common.

Half-Orcs are an iconic Barbarian choice, having natural Strength and Constitution and, thanks to their Relentless Endurance, some protection when death seems near.

What’s more is that they also have the Savage Attacks, which increases weapon damage, and Menacing, which is excellent for Charisma-based Barbarians.

3. Warforged

Ability Score Increase – Constitution score by 2 and one score of your choice by 1.

Age – Most Warforged are between 2 and 30 years old, yet their maximum lifespan is unknown, and most Warforged don’t show signs of deterioration with age. They are immune to magical aging effects.

Alignment – Warforged value discipline and order, tending toward neutrality and law, yet some have absorbed the morality (Good or Evil) of their overlords.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium, and your height and weight can be set randomly.

  • Size modifier = 2d6
  • Height = 5 feet + 10 inches + size modifier in inches
  • Weight in pounds = 270 + (4 x size modifier)

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Constructed Resilience, Sentry’s Rest, Integrated Protection, and Specialized Design.

Languages – Speak, read, and write Common and another language you choose.

Warforged are one of the best races in D&D already, and because of their natural Constitution and Constructed Resilience, it becomes increasingly difficult to kill them, even more so as a Barbarian.

Not only that, Warforged also have Integrated Protection, which has even more defensive features (one of them increasing your AC by 1), and Specialized Design, which helps broaden the skills you have proficiency in.

2. Aasimar

Ability Score Increase – One score by 2 and a different score by 1 OR Three different scores by 1.

Age – Aasimar mature at the same speed as humans, though they live up to 160 years.

Alignment – Most Aasimar are good, but outcast Aasimar are often Neutral or Evil.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium or Small (choose when selecting this race)

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Darkvision, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, and Celestial Revelation (choose between Necrotic Shroud, Radiant Consumption, and Radiant Soul).

Languages – Speak, read, and write Common and one other language deemed appropriate by the DM.

Whether you’re building a traditional Strength, a Dexterity, or a Charisma Barbarian, Aasimar can fit each mold perfectly.

Their most useful feature is the Celestial Revelation, which can empower your Barbarian, open doors to interesting social situations, and improve background information.

1. Minotaur

Ability Score Increase – One score by 2 and a different score by 1 OR Three different scores by 3.

Age – Minotaurs mature at age 17 and usually live up to 150 years.

Alignment – Depending on where a Minotaur has been brought up, they can lean towards Chaotic or Lawful alignments, and it’s the same if they become Evil or Good as well.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium, usually over 6 feet in height, with stocky builds.

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Horns, Goring Rush, Hammering Horns, and Labyrinthine Recall.

Languages – Speak, read, and write Minotaur and Common.

Minotaurs make excellent Barbarians, having a wide array of abilities that target key aspects of a Barbarian, like Horns, Goring Rush, and Hammering Horns.

On top of that, you also have the freedom to choose your ability scores and get the Labyrinthine Recall that helps you and your party navigate through confusing areas.

Honorable Mentions

Goliath: Because of their Little Giant and Stone’s Endurance abilities, Goliaths can work quite well with grappling builds, and the reduced damage can save your life, especially when you have a high Constitution and it’s earlier in the game.

Variant Human: The main reason Variant Humans are so good for Barbarians is because of that extra Feat they gain and the fact that they also get one skill proficiency as well.

Final Thoughts

Barbarians are simple, and the races needed to play them are also pretty simple, leading to easy-going, heavy-hitting Barbarian players.

While Barbarians might not be the most interesting class, by picking a fascinating race and creating a rich background, it’ll feel like you’re actually living in your character!

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