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The 15 Best Weapons For Fighters in D&D 5e [Ranked]

The 15 Best Weapons For Fighters in D&D 5e [Ranked]

The world of D&D lets adventurers pick and choose between various ranged and melee weapons.

However, some weapons stand out above the rest, fitting an adventurer’s background, build, roleplay, and simply giving more useful stats for that character.

In the case of Fighters, their backstories include a variety of one-handed weapons in combination with a shield, two-handed weapons, lighter one-handed weapons they could use for two-weapon fighting, and ranged weapons.

Fighter Weapon Proficiency

  • Simple weapons
  • Martial weapons

Best Weapons for the Fighter in 5e

15. Lance

Cost: 10 GP

Damage: 1d12 Piercing

Weight: 6 lbs

Properties: Reach, Special (Special property, see below)

Special – Be given disadvantage when using a lance in order to attack a target within 5 feet of you. A lance also requires two hands to wield while not mounted.


If you’re fed up with walking and want a weapon that works perfectly if you’re mounted, then the Lance should be your go-to option.

It’s well known that Fighters are one of the two classes that can make the best use of the Lance, as they even have a subclass (Cavalier) that fits perfectly with the Lance’s flavor.

Beyond that, the Lance is pretty terrible, as it can’t be used with a shield if you’re not mounted, as it requires two hands. So, at that point, you’re better off just going for a Greatsword or Greataxe.

14. Greataxe

Cost: 30 GP

Damage: 1d12 Slashing

Weight: 7 lbs

Properties: Heavy, Two-handed


Two-handed weapons like the Greataxe work pretty well with the Fighter. However, the Greataxe works best with a Half-Orc Champion, and because that’s quite specific, not many players opt for the Greataxe.

The thing is, even if you build a Half-Orc Champion, you’ll still only find the Greataxe useful after hitting level 9. Before that, the Greatsword is better anyway, and players who aren’t Half-Orcs will use the Greatsword until level 13.

That means the Greataxe is only good in very specific situations, and if your campaign doesn’t go past level 8, there’s no reason to even think about building the Greataxe unless you really want it.

13. Shortsword

Cost: 10 GP

Damage: 1d6 Piercing

Weight: 2 lbs

Properties: Finesse, Light


Shortswords are great weapons for Dexterity-focused Fighters who want to go into two-weapon fighting.

This is because Shortswords have both the Light and Finesse properties, which allows you to use your Dexterity modifier for damage and attack rolls made with them.

Don’t forget also to get your hands on the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting Style so that you’re able to apply your ability modifier to the damage of your second attack.

12. Longbow

Cost: 50 GP

Damage: 1d8 Piercing

Weight: 2 lbs

Properties: Ammunition, Range (150/600), Heavy, Two-handed


If you’re going a ranged Fighter build, the Longbow will be your go-to option as a creature bigger than Small.

Overall, crossbows are a better option than bows in the long run, but their usefulness as a Fighter is diminished if you don’t combine them with the Crossbow Master Feat.

However, if you want to only use a Longbow, then that’s fine, as Crossbow Master works well with the Longbow, and picking up the Sharpshooter Feat will increase your ranged effectiveness even further.

Note: Remember that you also have the Archery Fighting Style, which lets you add a +2 bonus to your attack rolls made with ranged weapons, so if you’re running a ranged build, you should look at picking that up!

11. Rapier

Cost: 25 GP

Damage: 1d8 Piercing

Weight: 2 lbs

Properties: Finesse


The Rapier is your go-to weapon if you’re running a Dexterity-based, single weapon Fighter.

It’s high damage, and Finesse lets you easily add your Dexterity modifier to the attack and damage rolls, which will increase your overall damage even further.

You can even use a shield if you want some more AC, and using a Rapier when you’re a tank can make up for the damage you lose because of your focus on defense.

The Dueling Fighting Style is also a great addition, as it gives you a +2 bonus to damage rolls even if you have a shield (some DMs might rule differently, though).

10. Silvered Weapon

Cost: 100 GP (to silver a single weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition)

Damage: No added damage, but can help pass immunity or resistance to non-magical weapons that some creatures have




Silvered weapons are your best bet when you need to pass physical resistance or immunity without going through the hassle of getting your hands on a magic item.

It’s much easier to silver a weapon instead of ammunition, but the problem is that you’ll have to pay 100 GP, which is out of the question in earlier stages of the game.

Luckily, most creatures with physical resistance and immunity only get introduced later in the game (if your DM is sane).

9. Spear

Cost: 1 GP

Damage: 1d6 Piercing

Weight: 3 lbs

Properties: Thrown (20/60), Versatile (1d8)


If you want a one-handed polearm that can be thrown, then you should take the Spear.

Combining the Spear with Polearm Master is your best bet, and if you want higher AC, you can always take a shield since you’ll mainly be focusing on using it one-handed.

However, if the time came, you could also get some extra damage from using it two-handed, but at that point, you’re better off getting a Glaive as your main polearm.

Note: Just don’t throw your Spear away without thinking about the consequences or having a backup weapon ready.

8. Quarterstaff

Cost: 2 SP

Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning

Weight: 4 lbs

Properties: Versatile (1d8)


The Quarterstaff is another one-handed polearm that works similarly to the Spear but without the Thrown property.

It can be combined with Polearm Master and fits well when used with a shield, but the scene might look a bit strange.

The good thing about the Quarterstaff is that it deals Bludgeoning damage instead of Piercing damage.

However, the Spear does beat the Quarterstaff when it comes to appearance, as Fighters use Spears much more often than they would use Quarterstaffs.

7. Halberd

Cost: 20 GP

Damage: 1d10 Slashing

Weight: 6 lbs

Properties: Heavy, Reach, Two-handed


Halberds are essentially a Glaive, but instead of a large sword-like blade on top, it feature an axe-like head with a spear tip protruding from the top.

Halberds are your best two-handed polearms as a Fighter, especially when you combine them with the Polearm Master and Sentinel Feats.

The Halberd’s high-damage dice make it an easy way to deal increased damage while also having longer reach to stop enemies from getting to your backline.

Note: The reason I didn’t just put the Glaive and the Halberd together is because a Fighter who really wants to play with a Halberd should try to convince their DM to let them choose between dealing Slashing or Piercing damage with it.

This can totally work, as it has a spear-like tip for Piercing damage and an axe-like head for Slashing damage. It might be a little troublesome for some DMs, but it can be an awesome addition.

6. Warhammer

Cost: 15 GP

Damage: 1d8 Bludgeoning

Weight: 2 lbs

Properties: Versatile (1d10)


The Warhammer is a good one-handed weapon for a high Strength Fighter.

It can easily be used in combination with a shield for increased AC and works well if you’re playing a Defender and you don’t want your damage to drop significantly.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit the Fighter’s persona as well as a Longsword or a Rapier does.

5. Handaxe

Cost: 5 GP

Damage: 1d6 Slashing

Weight: 2 lbs

Properties: Light, Thrown (20/60)


Handaxes are perfect if you want to go for a high Strength, two-weapon fighting Fighter.

Their damage die is the same as many other Light weapons, but it has the nifty property of also being able to be thrown.

Handaxes are also very light, and you can easily fit up to 4 on your person, so you wouldn’t have to worry if you throw two at an enemy’s head.

4. Crossbow (Hand)

Cost: 75 GP

Damage: 1d6 Piercing

Weight: 3 lbs

Properties: Ammunition, Range (30/120), Light, Loading


If you’re going for a ranged Fighter and aren’t set on a specific ranged weapon, you’ll want to take the Crossbow (Hand).

Combining it with Crossbow Master is your best bet, and since you don’t have many options for your bonus action, you get a lot of value from it.

You might be more enticed to take the Longbow but understand that the Crossbow (Hand) can work with a shield, and the Longbow can’t.

You can even hold a Dagger or some other sort of weapon while firing the Crossbow (Hand) in case you want to wack an enemy that passes you.

3. Longsword

Cost: 15 GP

Damage: 1d8 Slashing

Weight: 3 lbs

Properties: Versatile (1d10)


The Longsword is a good one-handed weapon for a high Strength Fighter.

Not only does it fit the Fighter’s persona quite well, but it can be used with a shield and thus be a good contender when you want to become a Defender.

It even has the Versatile property if you ever lose your shield and want to continue the fight, but this time with more damage.

2. Maul

Cost: 10 GP

Damage: 2d6 Bludgeoning

Weight: 10 lbs

Properties: Heavy, Two-handed


The Maul is often described as a blunt Greatsword, so that means it works just as well as the Greatsword, but instead of being a giant sword, it’s a giant hammer.

If you don’t feel like using a giant sword, then you can just take the Maul. It has almost no additional drawbacks compared to the Greatsword, except for being 4 lbs heavier.

1. Greatsword

Cost: 50 GP

Damage: 2d6 Slashing

Weight: 6 lbs

Properties: Heavy, Two-handed


If you want a two-handed weapon as a Fighter, the Greatsword should be your go-to option.

It won’t work well for Defenders, but if you want to deal a lot of damage or want to optimize your Champion, then the Greatsword is perfect.

You’ll also want to pick up the Great Weapon Fighting Style, as it’ll increase your damage and give you a higher chance of hitting a critical strike.

Final Thoughts

For the most part, each class in D&D has its most used or beloved weapon that is both iconic and functional.

Though some of these weapons might not be the best D&D weapon overall, they remain the best option for that character at the moment.

A good example would be the Longsword, Crossbow (Hand), Handaxe, or Greatsword decision Fighters need to make if they want the most reliable weapon for a Fighter.

In the end, whether you decide to take a conventional or unconventional weapon, as long as you like it and it fits your playstyle, you should roll with it!