Second only slightly to Counterspell, Dispel Magic can be the bane of any mage. It offers a variety of situational uses and is a must-have for anyone planning to engage in a potentially magic-heavy conflict.
The rules for Dispel Magic can be found in the Players Handbook on page 234.
Contents [show]
Dispel Magic 5e
3rd-level Abjuration
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 Feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Choose one creature, object, or magical effect within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends.
For each spell of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you automatically end the effects of a spell on the target if the spell’s level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.
The rules for Dispel Magic show that casting this spell can target a creature, object, or magical effect.
The ability to target a creature is often overlooked, and that is a big mistake. If the casting is effective, the spell ends. This has huge opportunities both in and out of combat scenarios.
Is Dispel Magic Useful?
Dispel Magic focuses on removing magic spell effects. It has one function that it does incredibly well. If you are in a situation where you need to reduce or remove magic, it is the right choice.
It is important to remember that the spell does not identify good and bad magic.
The spell can be used to remove spells affecting companions negatively. It can also be used to remove unwanted spell-based magical effects on objects. Additionally, it can remove magical effects, such as illusions, altogether.
How Does Dispel Magic Work?
The spell Dispel Magic works differently compared to most spells in the game. Its purpose is to remove magical effects on a creature, object, or area. To determine if it is successful when cast, the caster makes a contested roll versus the spell to be removed.
The caster adds their spellcasting ability modifier to the roll, and the difficulty class (DC) is determined by the level of the spell to be removed.
Example 1:
- A wizard’s ally has been affected by a Charm Person. The wizard attempts to remove the magic effect by casting Dispel Magic at 3rd level (base). Charm Person is a level one spell, and per the rules, Dispel Magic automatically ends a magic effect cast at 3rd level or lower.
Example 2:
- A wizard’s five allies have been affected by a Charm Person spell. The wizard can attempt to remove the magic effect on one of those allies using Dispel Magic at 3rd level (base). For Charm Person to be used in this manner, it would be cast as a 5th-level spell. This means a contested roll is required. The wizard rolls 1d20 + their spellcasting modifier against a DC of 10+ the level of the spell.
Dispel Magic Roll 1d20 + 5 (Intelligence Modifier) vs. DC 15 (10+ 5 (Level of the Spell Cast))
If the wizard rolls an 11 or higher, the spell effect is removed.
Dispel Magic Result of 16 (11 + 5) vs DC 15 (10 +5)
Example 3:
- A wizard’s five allies have been affected by a Charm Person Spell. The wizard knows the Charm Person Spell and makes a successful Arcana check to identify the level at which it was cast. The wizard then casts Dispel Magic at 5th level on one of his allies. Since he has cast at an equal to or greater level than the target spell, it is an automatic success.
Dispel Magic is highly effective and powerful. It has the opportunity to remove the most powerful magic in the game. That does not mean it is without risk. A failed attempt spends a 3rd level spell slot and does nothing at the base level.
Upcasting the spell improves the chance for automatic success but does not help if the casting is not at a high enough level for auto success.
Can Dispel Magic Be Used To Remove a Curse?
In short, no, Dispel Magic cannot be used to remove a curse. The purpose of Dispel Magic and Counterspell is to negate spells only; Counterspell is to negate a spell before it takes effect, and Dispel Magic is to remove the effect after it has been initiated.
Dispel Magic only removes magical effects that are the result of an ongoing spell. Sleep, Charm Person, Blindness/Deafness, and Illusions are all examples of ongoing spells that can be dispelled.
Dispel Magic 5e FAQs
What Are the Limits of Dispel Magic in 5e?
A clear limit of Dispel Magic is written in the first line of the spell’s description, “Choose any creature, object, or magical effect within range.”
Simplifying this means Dispel Magic only works on spells that target something and provide some sort of bonus or effect (creature, object, or magical effect).
You should also look at the spell’s level, as the only way to have it dispel higher-level spells would be to upcast it, which might not be worth it at times, especially when casting spells like Wish (this happens so rarely that it shouldn’t bother you much, but keep it in mind).
Can Dispel Magic Stop Banishment in 5e?
Dispel Magic can be used to end the Banishment spell, but there remains a single problem that’ll make you realize it basically impossible without using spells or going through some sort of portal. You need to target the banished creature!
While you can dispel Banishment, you’ll first need to get to the affected creature somehow, which will definitely prove to be a hassle.
Can Dispel Magic Remove Antimagic Field in 5e?
The whole point of casting Antimagic Field is to be devoid of magic, and in the description of Antimagic Field, it says, “Spells and magical effects such as Dispel Magic have no effect on the sphere.”
Final Thoughts
Dispel Magic can be an ace in the hole for an adventuring group. It offers a multitude of uses in various scenarios. It does have significant risks, though. If the spell is a failure, it still expends a spell slot.
At 3rd level, this may not be a game-changer, but a swing and a miss with a 6th-level spell is usually a big deal. If the time is available, try to get as good of a read on the DC as possible before casting this spell.
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