As you utter the ancient words of Light, a radiant energy surges through you, illuminating the darkness around you.
The air glimmers with a warm, golden glow, revealing hidden mysteries and secrets lurking in the shadows.
With this spell, you hold the power to pierce through the veil of darkness and bring forth the light of hope and knowledge.
The Player’s Handbook states the following:
Contents [show]
Light 5e
Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: V, M (one firefly or phosphorescent moss)
Duration: 1 hour
You make contact with one object that is no bigger than 10 feet in either direction.
The item emits strong light in a 20-foot radius and dull light for an additional 20 feet until the spell expires.
You can choose the color of the light. The light is blocked when something opaque completely envelops the object.
If you cast the spell again or dismiss it with an action, the spell expires.
A hostile creature must make a successful Dexterity saving throw if you target an item it is holding or wearing in order to evade the spell.
Spell Type – Creation/Utility
Which Classes Can Pick Light 5e?
Traditional classes like the Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, and Wizard can freely unlock Light.
Since Light is a Cantrip spell, all the traditional classes can freely unlock it at level 1.
Subclasses like the Divine Soul (Sorcerer) and The Celestial (Warlock) can freely unlock Light when they choose Cantrips.
Is Light Good in 5e?
Even though Light is one of the most straightforward spells in 5e, it is also one of the best cantrips players can unlock. Its simple use yet limitless utility places it far above most cantrips in 5e.
You’ll never have to worry about having a torch, as Light can be cast without being prepared and can be cast infinitely.
Who knew such a simple spell could be this good?
Advantages – Light
Light has a duration of 1 hour and doesn’t need any Concentration to stay active. You’ll get more out of your action for longer without worrying about it being canceled.
Saving Roll
When you target a creature with Light, they’ll be forced to make a Dexterity saving roll. That means if you target the right creatures (with low DEX), you’ll be more successful with your hits.
Note: This is especially helpful when facing invisible enemies!
Disadvantages – Light
Material Component
Unfortunately, Light does need a Material component to be cast.
Catching fireflies or obtaining phosphorescent moss isn’t that challenging, but they’re only found in specific areas.
So before you head out on an adventure, stock up on these items, especially if you are going to a dark place.
Light has a range of touch. Even though it isn’t a combat spell, needing to be closer to something can provide a DM with possible ways to hurt or trap you.
It also makes it more challenging to use Light when you need to use it in combat.
Spells Similar to Light 5e
Spells similar to Light are Dancing Lights, Continual Flame, Faerie Fire, and Daylight.
When or How Should You Use Light?
Invisible Enemies
Unlike the Sickening Radiance spell, Light has no inherent abilities that increase its effectiveness against invisible enemies. However, you can still use Light to tag enemies and give away their location.
If you know an enemy can turn invisible, or you know where an invisible enemy is. You can try and use Light on them to tag them and then track their movements.
The only big downside is that you’ll have to touch the creature you want to light up.
Since most spellcasters can cast this spell, you should think carefully before putting yourself in that position.
Convenient Torch
With Light, you won’t have to carry torches if you delve into a dark cave or dungeon.
You also don’t have to carry Light for it to provide light. If you wanted to, you could cast it on your backpack, clothing, shield, or sword to light the way for you.
Providing you with more protection in case of an attack.
Use Your Environment
You can also use Light to illuminate objects near you, like rocks or sticks. You can then carry the stick or prop it onto your bag.
If you need to light up an area, you can simply use the illuminated rock and throw it toward the dark area.
Distracting Enemies
If you illuminate objects near you, then use them to distract enemies. Enemies in darker areas will usually investigate when there is light, so try and distract them.
While they’re distracted, your team can choose to sneak past them or just ambush them. The choices are endless!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Light Better Than Dancing Lights?
Both spells are Cantrips, creating light when cast. While both have their own advantages and disadvantages, one isn’t better than the other.
They are too different when compared situationally, so that’s how you’ll have to compare them.
As an example, since Light only gives you one light, and Dancing Lights gives you up to 4. Dancing Lights is better when lighting up an entire area.
On the other hand, Light lasts 1 hour, while Dancing Lights last 1 minute. So if you need to explore for a while, use Light.
Does Light Cancel Darkness?
Light can dispel the darkness created by the spell Darkness.
Just be aware that it goes the other way around as well. Darkness can cancel the Light spell. It all depends on when you cast it and for what you’ll use it.
Final Thoughts
The Light cantrip may seem simple, but its simplicity is what makes it so potent. There aren’t many spells with such simple mechanics yet so broadly used throughout the 5e universe.
Whether you are exploring a dark dungeon, seeking out hidden treasures, or simply need to read a map in the dead of night, the Light spell is a trusty spell that will always guide your way.
So, don’t be caught in darkness any longer; call upon the light, and you shall be shown the way!
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