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Spirit Shroud 5e D&D Guide

Spirit Shroud 5e D&D Guide

Countless spirits wonder endlessly throughout the lands. Some await salvation, others search for the ones they once loved, but some seek only revenge upon the living.

Adept necromancers can raise these spirits, channeling their negative energy and shrouding themselves in it.

These spirits assist the necromancer for a short while, helping fell the foes before him!

The Supplement Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything describes the spell:

Spirit Shroud 5e

3rd-level Necromancy

Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You summon the spirits of the dead, who flit about you for the spell’s duration. The spirits are untouchable and impervious to harm.

Until the spell expires, every attack you make that hits a creature within 10 feet of you deals an additional 1d8 damage.

This damage is either cold, necrotic, or radiant (your choice when you cast the spell).

Note: Till the start of your next turn, any creature that sustains this damage cannot regain hit points.

Additionally, until the beginning of your next turn, the speed of any creature of your choice that you can see and that begins its turn within 10 feet of you is decreased by 10 feet.

At Higher Levels: When you cast Spirit Shroud using a 4th-level spell slot or higher, the damage will increase by 1d8 for every two slot levels above 3rd.

Spell Type – Utility/Damage

Which Classes Can Pick Spirit Shroud 5e?

Traditional classes such as the Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, and Wizard can freely unlock Spirit Shroud.

The Cleric, Warlock, and Wizard can unlock and use Spirit Shroud at level 5, while the Paladin can only unlock it at level 9.

No subclasses can freely unlock Spirit Shroud.

Is Spirit Shroud Good in 5e?

Spirit Shroud isn’t a good spell, but it isn’t a bad spell. It’s in between, often having useful situations where spellcasters can use it.

One exceptional addition of Spirit Shroud is the spell’s ambiance. Even though the effects aren’t all too scary, the atmosphere it creates sure is.

Advantages – Spirit Shroud

Damage Types

Spirit Shroud lets players choose from three potential damage types, Radiant, Necrotic, or Cold.

These damage types are less resisted by most creatures in D&D, especially Radiant damage.

Having the choice between each one gives players who have knowledge about creatures a great advantage.

If you know a creature is vulnerable to Cold damage, you can choose Cold. If you know, they have resistance to Necrotic damage; you can opt for either Radiant or Cold instead.

Bonus Action

Spells using a bonus action instead of a standard action have more attack/spell choices they can use before or after casting Spirit Shroud.

An excellent example would be to cast Spirit Shroud and immediately follow that up with a weapon attack to deal the bonus damage.

No Material Component

When preparing a spell, one thing that is always a drag is finding and keeping Material components.

Spirit Shroud doesn’t have any, making it much more accessible in any area (it is also less expensive).

It’s never fun to lose a material while traveling, come across some enemies, and realize you can’t cast your spell.

Note: Some DMs will occasionally do this, so watch for details they might mention!

Disadvantages – Spirit Shroud


Unfortunately, you’ll have to keep up your Concentration after casting Spirit Shroud.

This is horrible, especially since the spell’s effects only kick in when you’re 10 feet or close to your intended target.

Being closer to enemies means there’s a better chance you’ll take damage, which will cancel your spell.

Underwhelming Upcasting

Spirit Shroud has upcasting, but its benefits aren’t actually beneficial. You only gain 1d8 more damage for every two spell slot levels above the 3rd.

You’ll be better off using a higher-level spell or just buying a magical weapon at that point. Even saving your spell slot will be more advantageous than upcasting Spirit Shroud.

Spells Similar to Spirit Shroud 5e

Similar spells to Spirit Shroud are Crusader’s Mantle, Elemental Weapon, Thunderous Smite, and Zephyr Strike.

When or How Should I Use Spirit Shroud?

Close Combat

Spirit Shroud’s effects are only effective when an enemy is within 10 feet of you.

You should use this spell if you are forced into close combat or a martial caster, like a Paladin.

Disable HP Regeneration

HP regeneration is an annoying ability to face if you don’t have anything to counter it.

If you are facing an enemy with regeneration, try to wound it using Spirit Shroud. You can then focus on that enemy or keep attacking it with Spirit Shroud to keep it from regenerating any more HP.

Note: Opponents, such as Vampires, Slaad, and Trolls, usually have the Regenerate ability.

Opponent Vulnerabilities

Players shouldn’t just ignore the choices of damage types. They should actively try to find vulnerabilities enemies have to one of its damage types.

Just be careful not to overthink it. Stressing about which creatures will and won’t have vulnerability takes the fun out of the game.

Note: Having an experienced player in your party will help, as they’ll be more aware of which creatures are resistant or even immune to certain damage types.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Spirit Shroud Twinnable?

To twin spells in D&D, the spell must only target one creature at a time and not have a range of self.

Since Spirit Shroud does target only one creature (yourself) but has a range of self, you cannot twin it.

Does Spirit Shroud Work With Eldritch Blast?

Eldritch Blast is a simple spell with a long range (120 feet) and good damage (1d10 Force).

You can combine with Spirit Shroud, but then you’ll have to be within 10 feet of the creature you are targeting for the extra damage to take effect.

Final Thoughts

Unlike other spells, Spirit Shroud provides both valuable stats and roleplay possibilities.

Not only can mages deal increased damage, but necromancers can also add to their arsenal of powerful effects.

There’s nothing better than seeing a player immersed in their character. You can be sure that picking Spirit Shroud will positively affect you in battle or roleplaying a necromancer!

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