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Aid 5e D&D Guide

Aid 5e D&D Guide

Aid is a 2nd-level buffing spell available on the Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Paladin, and Ranger spell lists.

Parties do not have unlimited strength. A person’s health deteriorates throughout a battle, and they become less hopeful.

Aid restores not only this hope but replaces it with resolve.

It also imbues the target with temporary health, giving them restored mental fortitude and the physical capabilities to continue battling.

The Player’s Handbook says the following:

Aid 5e

2nd-level Abjuration

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (one tiny strip of white cloth)

Duration: 8 hours

Your spell grants toughness and resolve to your allies.

Pick up to three nearby creatures. The maximum and current hit points of each target rise by 5 for the duration.

At Higher Levels: If you cast Aid using a 3rd-level spell slot or higher, a target’s hit points will increase by an additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.

When Can Classes Pick Aid?

As mentioned above, traditional classes like the Artificer, Cleric, and Paladin can freely unlock Aid.

The Cleric can unlock and use Aid at level 3, while the Artificer and Paladin can only use it at level 5.

The Peace Domain (Cleric) is the only subclass that can freely unlock Aid. If you are playing this subclass, you can unlock and use this spell at level 3.

Is Aid Good in 5e?

Aid is a simple buff, which is applicable in most situations. It has few downsides and can be a perfect spell for any support or healer.

Note: It is a 2nd-level spell, so most full casters can cast it at level 3.

Advantages – Aid

Long Duration

Aid has a duration of 8 hours (without Concentration), which is crazy for such a low-level spell.

Note: You should use spells like Aid in longer campaigns or excursions.

Aid is cost-effective. Instead of having to cast it multiple times, the long duration means the spell’s effects will last for an extended period.

This reduces the need for the caster to use additional spell slots or resources.


Since Aid has an extended duration, it also increases versatility.

You can cast it in preparation for a battle, a journey, or any other situation where your party may need extra protection.

Disadvantages – Aid

Mediocre Upscaling

Aid grants +5 HP at level 2, but it is quickly outclassed by higher-level spells that can simply heal more than it is buffing.

As the players level up, their maximum hit points will increase, making the hit points provided by the Aid less significant in proportion to their overall HP pool.

It can become less appealing, and the preparation is more of a hassle than a buff.

You need to keep in mind that enemies become stronger. Leaving Aid without change might make it weak enough for higher-level enemies to break through its HP increase with one attack.

Material Component

A white strip of cloth isn’t that difficult to obtain. If a party member wears white clothing, just rip a piece. Sure, they’ll be mad, but you can buy them new clothes later.

The issue arises when they aren’t. You’ll need to devise a plan or prepare appropriately before casting Aid.

Note: Good planning while in a town dismisses this worry. Simply stock up, and buy 5 strips, so even if you lose one, you have 4 more.

Spells Similar to Aid 5e

Similar spells to Aid: Shield of Faith, Enlarge/Reduce, Aura of Life, Protection from Energy and Regenerate.

When or How Should I Use Aid?

Use It Early

You could think of Aid as preemptive protection if you use it earlier. Longer adventures will not only have more battles, but they’ll have further travel.

The world is a dangerous place, and the last thing you want is an ally to become downed or lose HP before getting to the quest location.

That’s why you preemptively cast Aid as your party leaves the safety of their hideout. Now you’ll have some extra HP to assist in unexpected situations.

Note: Even if the spell ends, if you picked up Materials before leaving, you can just recast the spell.

Before Combat

Having extra HP when you enter combat can save you from losing most of your actual HP. It also allows you and your party to stay in the battle for longer.

Note: Aid can be helpful in battle, as the increased hit points can absorb damage that would otherwise go directly to your HP pool.

Save Downed Allies

When in a battle, there is a chance that one of your party members will become seriously injured. Enemies can hit a vital, unleash a high-damage spell, or surround them.

You can use Aid to save them if they’re down or close to death. By increasing their maximum HP pool and giving them health, you stop them from having to roll death saves.

Note: Stopping an enemy from rolling death saves is crucial, as they’ll be targeted by enemies and most likely killed if you don’t intervene.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Aid Temporary Hit Points?

In the description of the spell, it says. Aid increases the ‘current hit points and hit point maximum,’ meaning it isn’t temporary HP.

Does Aid Count as Healing?

Aid doesn’t classify as a healing spell; it classifies as a buff.

Can I Have Aid Cast Multiple Times?

Yes. Aid doesn’t require Concentration to be cast. All you need are the appropriate components and one action.

Note: Having multiple casting of Aid can be helpful in quests where you must protect valuable NPCs.

Does Aid Stack With Heroes Feast?

Yes. Most effects that grant a bonus to your maximum HP can be indefinitely stacked unless stated otherwise.

This rule applies to features like Hill Dwarves’ Dwarven Toughness and Heroes Feast!

Final Thoughts

We all know that Aid is a very basic spell with easy-to-understand mechanics. That means it can be changed or flavored to fit specific characters.

A DM who wants to add as much detail to their campaign as possible would be delighted to include something like this.

D&D is about creativity, so speak up if you see a possibility. Most DMs will listen to your suggestions!

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