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The 5 Best Backgrounds for Air Genasi in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Backgrounds for Air Genasi in D&D 5e

In a world where the very air responds to their presence, Air Genasi adventurers seek backgrounds that resonate with the gusty currents of their essence.

This guide navigates the clouds of possibilities, presenting the five best backgrounds meticulously crafted to harmonize with the airy nature and otherworldly grace of Air Genasi D&D 5e.

What Are Backgrounds in D&D 5e?

Backgrounds are more than simple stat boosts in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. They reveal where your character came from, why you became an adventurer, and your place in the world.

Before choosing your Background, ask yourself a few questions:

  • What was I before I became an adventurer?
  • Why did I stop doing what my Background explains and become an adventurer?
  • Where did I get the money to buy my starting equipment?
  • Where did I learn the skills used in my class?
  • What’s different about me compared to others with the same Background?

Best Backgrounds for Air Genasi

5. Charlatan

Skill Proficiencies – Sleight of Hand, Deception

Tool Proficiencies – Forgery kit, Disguise kit

Languages – None

Equipment – Tools of the con of your choice (a signet ring, a deck of marked cards, a set of weighted dice, or ten stoppered bottles filled with a colored liquid), a set of fine clothes, a disguise kit, and a pouch with 15GP.

Why the Charlatan?

As a Charlatan, you can use False Identity to disguise yourself, allowing you to perform certain acts without being noticed.

It even allows you to forge official documents and handwriting you’re trying to copy, which can change many outcomes in a more political campaign.

4. Faction Agent

Skill Proficiencies – Insight and one Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence skill you choose that’s appropriate to your faction

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Two you choose

Equipment – A copy of a seminal faction text (or a code book for a covert faction), the badge or emblem of your faction, a set of common clothes, and a pouch with 15GP.

Why the Faction Agent?

There are a ton of factions to choose from as a Faction Agent. All of this is their own way of doing things that will either suit or be disinteresting to your character.

Safe Haven gives Air Genasi Faction Agents various secret networks of operatives and supporters that will assist with adventures.

These operatives can provide housing, assist the party, or find information, but they will not risk their lives for you.

3. Entertainer

Skill Proficiencies – Performance, Acrobatics

Tool Proficiencies – One type of musical instrument and a Disguise kit

Languages – None

Equipment – One musical instrument you choose, a costume, the favor of an admirer (trinket, love letter, or lock of hair), and a pouch with 15GP.

Why the Entertainer?

Air Genasi make good Bards and Sorcerers, and with that comes high Charisma and an ideal chance of becoming an Entertainer.

Having By Popular Demand can make acquiring lodging and food much easier for your party as they travel from town to town on their adventure.

2. Noble

Skill Proficiencies – Persuasion, History

Tool Proficiencies – One type of gaming set

Languages – Choose one

Equipment – A signet ring, a set of fine clothes, a scroll of pedigree, and a purse with 25GP.

Why the Noble?

Noble Air Genasi have the Position of Privilege feature that makes people think the best of them, gaining access to high society, and you can even get an audience with a local noble.

Air Genasi can be built to be exceptional Charisma-based characters, so becoming a Noble can further improve this.

1. Guild Merchant

Skill Proficiencies – Persuasion, Insight

Tool Proficiencies – One type of Artisan’s tools or Navigator’s tools (your choice)

Languages – Choose one (add another language if you don’t want Navigator’s tools)

Equipment – A set of Artisan’s tools (choose one), a mule and a cart (if you don’t want the Artisan’s tools), a set of traveler’s clothes, a letter of introduction from your guild, and a pouch with 15GP.

Why the Guild Merchant?

As mentioned, Air Genasi fit well with Charisma builds, and even though they might not love coin as much as Earth Genasi, they still make excellent Guild Merchants.

Not only can Guild Merchants start with mule-pulled carts, Guild Business gives you proficiency with Artisan’s tools, and Guild Membership can guarantee safe lodging and food for your party.

Final Thoughts

Whether overseeing transport supplies as a Guild Merchant, delivering merriment to folks as an Entertainer, or embracing the heritage of a Noble lineage, each background breathes life into the Air Genasi’s story.

Unveil the breezy enigma of your character’s past, allowing the chosen background to harmonize seamlessly with their elemental nature.