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The 5 Best Backgrounds For Warlocks in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Backgrounds For Warlocks in D&D 5e

A character’s background has a lot of depth behind it, even if some players don’t regard it as too important.

Backgrounds usually contain two essential aspects that a character needs to consider: whether the stats are beneficial and what the background says about the character before becoming an adventurer.

For a full roleplaying Warlock, you might look for backgrounds focusing on accursed magic, dark rituals, or being shunned.

Best Warlock Backgrounds

5. Urban Bounty Hunter


Skill Proficiencies – Choose two from among Deception, Insight, Perception, and Stealth

Tool Proficiencies – Choose two from among one type of Gaming set, one musical instrument, and Thieves’ tools

Languages – None


  • Set of clothes appropriate to your duties
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 20 GP


Warlocks can make a good Face if they want to, and Urban Bounty Hunter makes it easier to do so.

It gives you quite a nice amount of GP, and the tool proficiency can be a good way to get through locks instead of using your limited spells.

Urban Bounty Hunter’s background details also fit a Warlock better than you’d expect.

4. Faction Agent


Skill Proficiencies – Insight and one Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom skill you choose, as appropriate to your faction

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Two of your choice


  • Badge or emblem (Value: 5 GP Weight: 0) of your faction
  • Copy of a seminal faction text (or a code book for a covert faction)
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 15 GP


Faction Agent is great for a Warlock who’s looking for knowledge skills or Face skills, as both are pretty powerful for a Warlock.

The additional languages are also a bonus in the early game, and the equipment you get isn’t bad either especially the 15 GP, the emblem, and the seminal faction text.

3. Courtier


Skill Proficiencies – Insight, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Two of your choice


  • Set of fine clothes (Value: 15 GP Weight: 6 lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 5 GP


Since Warlocks use Charisma, Persuasion works extremely well on them. Persuasion and Insight aren’t available to the Warlock normally, but Courtier fixes that.

The two languages are nice for the earlier game, but the equipment you get is a bit lacking compared to others.

2. Sage


Skill Proficiencies – Arcana, History

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Two of your choice


  • Bottle of ink (Value: 10 GP Weight: 0.0625 lb)
  • Quill (Value: 2 CP Weight: 0)
  • Small knife [Value: 0 Weight: 0]
  • Letter from a dead colleague posing a question you haven’t been able to answer
  • Set of common clothes (Value: 5 SP Weight: 3lbs)
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 10 GP


Sage gives you two knowledge skills for free, as well as some decent equipment.

The two languages are also very good in the early game, and since you use Charisma, they fit quite well on you.

1. Cloistered Scholar


Skill Proficiencies – History, as well as a choice of one from among Religion, Arcana, and Nature

Tool Proficiencies – None

Languages – Two of your choice


  • The scholar’s robes (Value: 1 GP Weight: 4 lbs) of your cloister
  • Writing kit (small pouch [Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb] with a quill [Value: 2 CP Weight: 0], a bottle of ink [Value: 10 GP Weight: 0.0625 lb], some folded parchment [Value: 1 SP Weight: 0], and a small penknife [Value: 0 Weight: 0])
  • Borrowed book (Value: 25 GP Weight: 5 lbs) on the subject of your current study
  • Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 10 GP


Cloistered Scholar is a lot like Sage, as it gives you access to two knowledge skills and two languages.

However, the equipment you get from Cloistered Scholar is much better than with the Sage.

Final Thoughts

Warlocks are the forsaken, demon-touched, who channel magic through ill-begotten means.

Though backgrounds might not fit all Warlocks equally, the benefits provided by them certainly help.

However, these backgrounds can always be changed to fit your Warlock’s flavor and bring a unique D&D experience!