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The 5 Best Classes for Eladrin in D&D 5e

The 5 Best Classes for Eladrin in D&D 5e

Dance Through the Seasons of Adventure! Explore the optimal class choices for Eladrin, known for their connection to the Feywild.

These classes synergize with an Eladrin’s abilities, offering thrilling gameplay options from enchanting magic to graceful combat. Embrace the whimsy of the Feywild with these top picks!

Best Classes for Eladrin

5. Cleric

Primary Ability Score – Wisdom

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution

Spellcasting Ability – Wisdom

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple

Why the Cleric?

Eladrin Clerics can take +2 in Wisdom and +1 in Dexterity or even in Charisma or Dexterity if they plan on going a different build.

Clerics don’t get short-range teleportation and have quite a few spells with touch, opening a window for a new play style.

Trance is a great way to gain proficiency in a new weapon or tool, and Keen Senses will give you proficiency in Perception, which works well with your high Wisdom score.

Note: Darkvision can help if you want to play a Dexterity-based Cleric for increased stealth.

Recommended Cleric Divine Domains

  • Arcana Domain
  • Light Domain
  • Trickery Domain
  • Twilight Domain

4. Ranger

Primary Ability Score – Dexterity

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Wisdom

Spellcasting Ability – Wisdom

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial

Why the Ranger?

Eladrin Rangers should have +2 Dexterity and +1 Wisdom or +1 in Dexterity, Wisdom, and Constitution (for some durability).

Rangers also don’t have access to short-range teleportation, and Fey Step comes without needing to expend a spell slot.

You might not want to use Fey Step to teleport towards enemies (since you have low durability), but away from them so you can get the distance to attack from range.

Trance allows you to gain proficiency with Thieves’ Tools, and the Perception proficiency from Keen Senses complements your best abilities.

Recommended Ranger Archetypes

  • Drakewarden
  • Fey Wanderer
  • Gloom Stalker
  • Swarm Keeper

3. Druid

Primary Ability Score – Wisdom

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Dexterity

Spellcasting Ability – Wisdom

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields (Druids won’t use shields or wear armor made from metal)

Weapons Proficiencies – Spears, Slings, Sickles, Scimitars, Quarterstaffs, Maces, Javelins, Darts, Daggers, Clubs

Why the Druid?

Eladrin Druids should have +2 Wisdom and +1 Constitution.

Druids can use Fey Step to escape sticky situations without using Wild Shape, and Trance lets you access tools that might help your party.

Druids already have high Wisdom, so proficiency in Perception is perfect for you.

Recommended Druid Circles

  • Circle of Spores
  • Circle of the Moon (Most appealing)

2. Fighter

Primary Ability Score – Strength (STR-based), Dexterity (DEX-based)

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution

Spellcasting Ability – Intelligence (For Eldritch Knight)

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial

Why the Fighter?

Eladrin Fighters are versatile, taking +2 Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence (build dependent) and +1 Constitution.

Fighters can use their Bonus Action for Fey Step, as they don’t use it every round.

Fey Ancestry lets you avoid charm effects, which will keep you in the fight longer, and free perception proficiency, which helps you out of combat.

Recommended Fighter Martial Archetypes

  • Battle Master
  • Echo Knight
  • Eldritch Knight
  • Samurai

1. Barbarian

Primary Ability Score – Strength

Secondary Ability Scores – Constitution, Dexterity to a lesser extent

Armor Proficiencies – Light, Medium, Shields

Weapons Proficiencies – Simple, Martial

Why the Barbarian?

Eladrin Barbarians should mainly take +2 Strength and +1 Constitution (durability is important if you plan on teleporting into groups of enemies).

Not all Barbarians use their Bonus Action every round, so that’s where Fey Step adds an unrelenting play style.

Summer will be your best option as an Eladrin Barbarian, and Fey Ancestry will help you against charms, which Barbarians often struggle with. Perception proficiency is useful for any character, so there’s not much to say about it.

Recommended Barbarian Primal Paths

  • Ancestral Guardian
  • Storm Herald
  • Totem Warrior

Final Thoughts

Whether you prefer the magical connection to the nature of a Druid, the divine powers of a Cleric, the ranged stealth of a Ranger, or the uncontrollable rage of a Barbarian, each class offers unique opportunities for storytelling and adventure.