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The 5 Best Races For Wizards 5e D&D

The 5 Best Races For Wizards 5e D&D

Wizards are spellcasting scholars obsessed with knowledge and, at times, who would do anything to get their hands on powerful new information.

Learned, wealthy races are most accustomed to becoming Wizards, yet there are many scenarios where Wizards can be created, and the most important feature would be their Intelligence.

Best Races for Wizards 5e D&D

5. Tiefling

Ability Score Increase – Charisma by 2.

Age – Mature the same as Humans but live a few years longer.

Alignment – Tieflings have no innate tendency towards Evil, though many become Evil, and their independent nature pushes them towards a Chaotic nature.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium, the same size as Humans.

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Darkvision, Hellish Resistance, and Bloodline (choose).

Languages – Speak, read, and write Infernal and Common.

Tieflings might seem quite dark, but they actually make excellent Wizards, even though their Charisma is increased and not Intelligence.

Hellish Resistance is good when facing a lot of Fire damage, and the fact that you have a ton of Bloodlines furthermore increases your versatility.

4. Eladrin

Ability Score Increase – One score by 2 and a different score by 1 OR Three different scores by 1.

Age – Elves reach maturity at the same age as Humans do. They usually claim adulthood at around 100 years of age and live to be 750 years old.

Alignment – Alignment differs depending on what the season is, but their core values don’t change as much, so it’ll differ from Eldarin to Eladrin.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium, ranging from below 5 to above 6 feet, with slender builds.

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Fey Step, Keen Senes, and Trance.

Languages – Speak, read, and write Common and one other language the DM deems appropriate.

Eladrin might be quite temperamental, but their various bonuses make them a good choice for a Wizard.

Even though they have a lot of features, one of their best is Fey Step, which allows Wizards, who usually struggle with movement, to escape dangerous situations easily.

Their other features, like Trance, Keen Senses, and even Fey Ancestry, also provide some great additions, like not needing sleep, having advantage against charms, and having proficiency in Perception.

3. Tortle

Ability Score Increase – One score by 2 and a different one by 1 OR Three different scores by 1.

Age – Tortles usually live around 50 years.

Alignment – Most Tortles are Lawful Good, but some tend to lean towards Evil, though they don’t often lean towards Chaos.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium, ranging between 5 and 6 feet tall and averaging around 450 pounds.

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Claws, Hold Breath, Natural Armor, Nature’s Intuition, and Shell Defense.

Languages – Speak, read, and write Common and one other language deemed appropriate by your DM.

Tortles make great Wizard, especially because of their high AC from the Natural Armor feature.

They also gain one extra skill proficiency with Nature’s Intuition, and in times of need, they can use Shell Defense to gain a whopping +4 AC.

Totrles even have the ability to function relatively well in melee with their Claws, so you won’t have to worry too much if an enemy gets close and personal with you.

2. Fairy

Ability Score Increase – One score by 2 and a different one by 1 OR Three different scores by 1.

Age – Fairies live around 100 years.

Alignment – Most Fairies are Neutral, drifting between the Lawful/Chaos spectrum.

Creature Type – Fey

Size – Small

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Fairy Magic and Flight.

Languages – Speak, read, and write Common and one other language the DM deems appropriate.

Fairies might be more attuned to nature, but that doesn’t mean one can’t become an intelligent Wizard. Even their features are perfect for a spellcaster like the Wizard since you can use Intelligence to cast the Fairy Magic spells.

Their strongest features are the fact that they can fly using Flight and gain access to a few spells with their Fairy Magic. However, being able to choose which ability scores you want is also a great addition.

1. Aasimar

Ability Score Increase – One score by 2 and a different score by 1 OR Three different scores by 1.

Age – Aasimar mature at the same speed as humans, though they live up to 160 years.

Alignment – Most Aasimar are good, but outcast Aasimar are often Neutral or Evil.

Creature Type – Humanoid

Size – Medium or Small (choose when selecting this race)

Speed – Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Racial Features – Darkvision, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, and Celestial Revelation (choose between Necrotic Shroud, Radiant Consumption, and Radiant Soul).

Languages – Speak, read, and write Common and one other language deemed appropriate by the DM.

Aasimar don’t often become spellcasters, but they definitely can. The Light Bearer feature already gives you a free Cantrip (Light), and the Healing Hands lets you heal yourself or allies, even if it’s only for a few HP.

The Celestial Revelation empowers your Wizard even more as you gain the ability to fly or deal extra Necrotic or Radiant damage.

Final Thoughts

Wizards have a broad spectrum of great races, even though their field is so concise and focused on gathering as much information about magic as possible.

Their best races are so different that it makes it even easier to continuously play the Wizard and have a better or at least a different experience each time.