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Goliath Fighter 5e D&D Guide

Goliath Fighter 5e D&D Guide

Goliath Fighters aren’t simply mere mortals, as they are blessed with the strength of giants and the resilience of stone. Clad in armor that seems tailored for behemoths, they stride across battlefields with an aura that commands both fear and respect.

With each swing of their mighty weapons, a Goliath Fighter unleashes an explosive force that echoes through the air. Their weapons, be they enormous axes or massive hammers, seem like toys in their colossal hands.

It is not only their brawn that makes the Goliath Fighter a formidable force on the battlefield. Their minds, sharp as the edges of their weapons, are honed by years of training and experience.

In the heat of battle, the Goliath Fighters become unyielding bulwarks, their bodies seemingly impervious to harm. They endure wounds that would cripple lesser beings, pushing their physical limits beyond their breaking points.

Whether they’re outside of battle or in the thick of it, Goliath Fighters keep their composure and raise the spirits of everyone around them. They aren’t only great combatants but loyal friends to whomever they trust.

Creating a Goliath Fighter


Goliaths dwell in the highest mountain peaks, wandering around their realm of rock, wind, and cold. They possess great physical strength and look as if they were carved from the mountains they inhabit.

Each Goliath has the responsibility to earn a place in their tribe; if they fail, they will live a life of utter despair and cold, most often leading to death.

SkinGray or brown, with distinctive patches of darker skin (usually vertically symmetrical)
Hair (Including their Beard)Often has bony protrusions or unevenness
EyesBright blue or green, sometimes with a little glow
NoseSomewhat larger human-like nose
MouthLarger human-like teeth

Note: These features can be slightly changed or modified if some variations don’t fit your character.

Goliath Subraces

Much like Half-Orcs, Goliaths have no subraces – likely due to their rarity and already reclusive nature.

Fighter Class Features

Hit Points

Hit Dice1d10 per Fighter level
HP at level 110 + Constitution modifier
HP at Higher levels1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Fighter level after level 1


ArmorAll armor, Shields
WeaponsSimple weapons, Martial weapons
Saving ThrowsStrength, Constitution
SkillsChoose two – Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival

Fighter Archetypes

When you’ve reached level 3, you’ll get to choose from 10 different Fighter archetypes. All of them have different playstyles, so you’ll have to choose the most interesting one or the one that best fits your character.

Arcane Archer – Arcane Archers use an elven archery method, infusing magic into their attacks.

They are capable of great patience, using their magical arrows to destroy enemies before they have a chance to attack.

Banneret – Bannerets inspire greatness in other companions through their skillful fighting tactics and unmatched attacks.

They often lead attacks, urging all those who follow them to strike with conviction and be filled with his courage.

Battle Master – Battle Masters use martial techniques to win battles, seeing combat as an academic field and being experienced with weaponsmithing or calligraphy as well. They possess great knowledge and skills used to overcome any enemy.

Cavalier – Cavaliers are mounted warriors prone to leading cavalry charges. They have excellent guarding capabilities and serve as great protectors. Cavaliers often become adventurers to earn prestige and make their mark on the world.

Champion – Champions are focused on one thing, raw physical power honed to destructive perfection, training nonstop until they reach an unmatched physical strike.

Echo Knight – Echo Knights are feared for their deadly echo, using it to cut down enemies before they realize what’s happening. Facing an Echo Knight feels like you’re fighting a swarm of shadows.

Eldritch Knight – Eldritch Knights have mastered common fighting and combine it with magical techniques often used by wizards. 

These knights focus on the Abjuration and Evocation schools of magic, which provide them with unbreakable protection and insane damage capabilities.

Psi Warrior – Psi Warriors use psionic powers to strengthen themselves, infuse their weapons, and breach mental barriers.

You wield the power of magic and mind, dedicating yourself to learning its secrets and turning your body into both weapon and shield.

Rune Knight – Rune Knights use the powers of runes once used by giants to empower their equipment, giving them powerful benefits like improved magical skills, greater damage, or increased protection.

Samurai – Samurais are created through grudges, using their fighting spirit to overcome enemies and hardening their resolve to become unbreakable. Enemies facing a Samurai often only have two choices – yield or die in combat.

Combining Fighter With Goliath

Determining Your Fighter Subclass

Choosing your ideal subclass is subjective, but if your objective is optimization, try understanding what your character wants to do and what stats fit best with their subclass.

Arcane ArcherBlaster/Librarian/Striker
Battle MasterStriker
Echo KnightStriker
Eldritch KnightBlaster or Controller or Striker or Support or Utility Caster
Psi WarriorStriker
Rune KnightDefender or Face or Striker

Optimal Goliath Subrace

Goliaths have no known subraces, meaning you won’t have to make the difficult choice of choosing your subrace.

You start with a bonus to Strength (2) and Constitution (1), which goes well with the Fighter class.

Note: If you’re planning to play an Eldritch Knight, you’ll need Intelligence as well, but you’ll still benefit from having Strength and Dexterity.

Your Goliath Fighter Background

Your Goliath Fighter needs a unique background that will affect its choices, as well as the way it sees the world and what it wants to achieve.

Start by asking yourself some basic questions: Where were they born, and where did they come from? Do they have any goals, bonds, or ideals, and what are their flaws? Where do they belong in social circles and society as a whole? What inspires them?

Place of Birth

Think of the environment a Goliath Fighter grew up in and how it affected them physically and emotionally and eventually shaped their view of the world.

Try to make their place of birth and upbringing correspond with their personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws – this will truly bring their character alive.

Note: The birthplaces of races are usually mentioned in the Player’s Handbook or some of its expansion books.

Characteristics and Personality Traits

Goliath Fighters are massive brutes who wield extreme strength. Their large bodies allow them to become walking tanks capable of demolishing entire groups of enemies.

Goliath Fighter Examples:

  • If you need me to do something for you, tell me I can’t do it.
  • I’m always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them.

Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws

Ideal – Express one ideal that is a driving force in a Goliath Fighter’s life – their conviction, ethical principle, and moral standing (probably something about nature).

All people deserve to be handled with dignity and respect.

Bonds – Think of a single bond that your Goliath Fighter has to an event, person, or place. Bonds will tie them to their background and can inspire bravery or stimulate memories driving them against their ideals.

I protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Flaws – Choose a single flaw for a Goliath Fighter – their unhealthy compulsion, greatest fear/weakness, or most vile vice.

I can’t resist a pretty face.


Inspiration is used by the DM to reward you for playing according to your bond, personality traits, ideals, and flaw.

The women in most mortal settlements are much more beautiful than the ones in my homeland, and I’ve become addicted to speaking with them.

Note: If you’re struggling to create your background or just don’t want to think, the Player’s Handbook has well-thought-through backgrounds that you can use for your character or use as a mold.

Supplies and Gear For Goliath Fighters

Fighters start with the following equipment, together with the equipment from their background. Choosing equipment based on your situation and your character’s proficiencies is the easiest way to go about things.

  • (a) Chain mail or (b) Leather, longbow, and 20 arrows
  • (a) One martial weapon and a shield or (b) Two martial weapons
  • (a) One light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) Two Handaxes
  • (a) Dungeoneer’s pack or (b) Explorer’s pack

You can decide how your character came about these goods – whether they stole, inherited, or purchased them some time back – adding to your character’s background.

Note: By using your starting wealth, you can buy your own equipment (5d4 x 10 GP for Fighters).

Final Thoughts

While Goliath Fighters are an exceptional but rare combo, not many people enjoy the roleplay aspect of Goliaths.

Luckily their great Strength stat, as well as their much-needed Constitution stat, gives them just what Fighters need at the beginning and end of a campaign.

One thing that players take for granted when playing a Goliath is their build (7 to 8 feet and 280 to 340 pounds). Being medium size yet looking like a literal giant oozes intimidation and even makes it so that you can carry more.

Even though Goliaths aren’t the most interesting race and Fighters aren’t the most interesting class, combining the two can make for some pretty fun interactions and great gameplay.

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Monday 4th of December 2023

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