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Augury 5e D&D Guide

Augury 5e D&D Guide

Augury is a 2nd-level foreknowledge spell available with the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard spell lists.

Augury tells of omens prophesied by the gods now accessible by mortals. By casting this spell, you invoke the reading of your destiny from the very gods themselves.

The Player’s Handbook says the following:

Augury 5e

2nd-level Divination (Ritual)

Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (bones, specially marked sticks, or even similar tokens worth at least 25 GP)

Duration: Instantaneous

Suppose you cast gem-inlaid sticks, roll dragon bones, lay out ornate cards, or employ some other divining tool.

If done, you will receive an omen from an otherworldly entity regarding the results of a specific course of action you plan to take within the next 30 minutes.

The DM will choose from the following possible omens:

  • Weal, for positive results
  • Woe, for negative results
  • Weal and Woe, for both positive and negative results
  • Nothing, for results that aren’t especially positive or negative

The spell doesn’t take into account all the possible circumstances that could change the outcome, such as casting additional spells or the gain or loss of a companion.

If you were to cast the spell two or more times before you complete your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25% chance for each casting after the first that you’ll get a random reading.

Note: The DM makes this roll in secret.

Which Classes Can Pick Augury?

Traditional classes, like the Cleric, Druid, and Wizard, have Augury in their spell lists.

All three classes unlock their 2nd-level spell slots at level 2 and can then unlock and use this spell.

Subclasses, such as the Knowledge Domain (Cleric), Oath of the Open Sea (Paladin), and Path of the Ancestral Guardian (Barbarian), also have access to Augury.

The Knowledge Domain (Cleric) can use this spell at level 3, while the Oath of the Open Sea (Paladin) can use it at level 5.

The Path of the Ancestral Guardian (Barbarian) unlocks this spell at level 10. However, it doesn’t require a spell slot or material components.

Is Augury Good in 5e?

Augury can be a very good spell if used correctly. Having the DM open to some of your ideas and willing to help will increase the spell’s usefulness.

Even with their help, you’ll still have to ask good questions and share ideas with your party.

Advantages – Augury

Ritual Spell

Spells that have a ritual tag are signs of divine intervention. Only a handful of spells have this tag, but that’s for a good reason.

You won’t be expending a spell slot when casting a spell as a ritual. The components are still used, but the only actual cost is your time (rituals usually take longer to cast).

Cheap Materials

Materials aren’t always as cheap as 25 GP. That means even if you lose your tokens, which will likely be the case, you won’t have to spend so much GP to get them back.

Leveling up also means you become stronger and can earn more GP. In the end, even if you were to lose your tokens every day, you could still repurchase them with minimal financial issues.

Disadvantages – Augury

Material Component

Materials aren’t always difficult to obtain or expensive; sometimes, you can acquire them easily. The problem arises when you aren’t close to a town or merchant.

If you need items similar to Augury’s, you’ll need to get lucky or know precisely where to find them.

In most cases, you’ll have to wait to buy the materials, meaning you’ll be sitting without a usable spell.

How Should I Use Augury?

Augury uses the same logic as a tea leaf reading in a more magical sense.

You will be rewarded with a suitable answer when asking good, straightforward questions, while poorly structured ones will only confuse you and leave you with more questions than answers.

Trusting NPCs

Along the way, you’ll encounter a vast array of different NPCs. All of which have different ways of life.

Similar to meeting a stranger in real life, you should be cautious, even if they are noble. You never know if an NPC has a hidden motive, but you can get a vague idea with Augury.

Simply use a Weal and Woe result and ask if you can trust the specific NPC. If you don’t fail, you’ll have your answer. Just be careful of random readings, as they could lead you into a trap.

General Safety

Knowing if you are safe or if food is free from poison is also a good question.

If your party was lost in the woods and starving, you could cast Augury to find out if the berries or mushrooms you found were safe to eat.

Getting a helpful answer could save your party from starvation and keep them free from poison.

But, let’s be honest; even if the answer wasn’t beneficial, nothing would stop your hungry Barbarian from devouring those berries!

Visiting Towns

Towns are places full of thieves, drunkards, and money-hungry guards. Some cities might even have curfews for different races or outright bans placed against them.

Using Augury to determine if a town is safe to travel through and buy supplies is a must. You’ll lose nothing from being overcautious, after all.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Augury Look Like 5e?

Augury wouldn’t look like anything besides the ritual or casting of the spell; nothing else would happen.

The caster is the only one that can hear the voices without question. If the caster links their thoughts to the party’s, they might also be able to listen to the voices, but that is mere speculation.

What Is The Best Augury Result 5e?

The best Augury result would be the answer to your question. Any other response could be considered wrong.

Ultimately, it depends on the question asked and what the caster intended with it.

Final Thoughts

Players or DMs shouldn’t overlook augury. It allows players who choose this spell to predict the future, even if only rudimentary.

DMs can also incorporate it into their story if they so wish. It might end up falling into place or giving the story an interesting twist.


Thursday 2nd of November 2023

Which source book has augury as a wizard spell? It seems to be only cleric if the phb. Is there errata that changes that?

Sarah King

Friday 3rd of November 2023

Thanks for your question. So, for the Wizard, Augury is an "Optional" spell made available by Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. The Druid is the same, but their "Optional" spells are made available by Tasha's Cauldron of Everything and Unearthed Arcana. Basically, it's not in their core spell list, but it can be considered an "Optional" choice if we were to take all the sourcebooks into consideration

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