You can think of 2nd-level spells as the last step before a world of incredible magic becomes available.
Don’t get blind-sighted even if you’re distracted by the powerful spells you’ll unlock after 2nd-level spells.
There are a vast array of 2nd-level spells that you’ll find a use for throughout the entire game.
Contents [show]
Best 2nd-Level Spells 5e
20. Locate Object
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a forked twig)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Losing a powerful possession or quest item can make things difficult, but with Locate Object finding the item can be made a bit easier with Locate Object.
Describing or naming an item familiar to you lets you sense the object’s direction if within 1000 feet of you. You’ll also know the direction of movement if it’s moving.
Note: You can also locate specific known objects or items of a particular kind, like weapons, jewelry, or tools.
Just watch out for lead, as the spell cannot penetrate any thickness of it.
19. Knock
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Unlocking chests or doors can make for many ways of entrance or well-deserved loot.
Choose an object containing a magical or mundane lock preventing access. Mundane locks with one lock will be unlocked, and stuck doors or objects will become unstuck.
Note: Targets locked with Arcane Lock will be suppressed for 10 minutes, and you can open and shut it normally.
Just be careful of the sound the knock creates, as it can be heard from as far away as 300 feet.
18. Suggestion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, M (a drop of sweet oil or a piece of honeycomb and a snake’s tongue)
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
Mind control, even if subtle, can ease situations or put creatures out of combat. Suggestion gives you that power.
Suggesting a course of activity (limited to 1 or 2 sentences) influences a creature. The activity must be reasonable, and the target must fail a Wisdom saving throw to be affected.
Note: Asking the creature to harm itself or having you or your party damage it will end the spell.
You can also suggest conditions that trigger events, like having a Knight give his armor to the first peasant he encounters.
17. Zone of Truth
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes
Discerning the truth without direct confirmation is difficult; therefore, use the Zone of Truth to find the exact truth.
A magical zone with a 15-foot-radius sphere makes creatures unable to tell a deliberate lie if they fail a Charisma saving throw when entering the sphere.
Note: You’ll know if a creature fails or succeeds in its saving throw.
Affected creatures will be aware of this spell and can choose to avoid specific questions. These creatures can also evade the truth if they stay within the truth’s boundaries.
16. Spider Climb
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a spider and a drop of bitumen)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Even though flying is great, it isn’t suitable for all areas, so that’s where Spider Climb becomes an essential alternative.
Touching one willing creature enables it to move down, up, and vertically across surfaces and upside on ceilings. The target will also gain a climbing speed equal to its walking speed.
15. Detect Thoughts
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (piece of copper)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The thoughts of creatures hold many secrets that can be exploited.
You choose the mind of one creature within 30 feet of you. Initially, its surface-level thoughts are put forward, but if it fails a Wisdom saving throw, you probe deeper into its mind. Finding its fears, worries, and loves.
Note: Detect Thoughts is an excellent interrogation tool and a way to discover the inner thoughts of those closest to you.
14. Mirror Image
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
Being the target of a strong enemy as a spellcaster spells certain doom, so use Mirror Image to disorientate it.
Three illusory duplicates are created near you, mimicking your actions and making the real image impossible to track.
Attacks against you let you roll a d20, determining if the attacks will instead target a duplicate. Having 3 duplicates means you must roll 6 or higher, 2 duplicates mean 8 or higher, and 1 duplicate means 11 or higher.
Note: Don’t bother using this spell against blind enemies or enemies that can perceive the true nature of illusions.
13. Web
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a bit of spiderweb)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Slowing hordes of enemies is made easy with Web.
Thick, sticky webbing fills a 20-foot cube, identified as difficult to terrain and obscuring the area lightly. Enemies starting their turn in the webbing must succeed in a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained.
Note: Be careful of fire, as the webbing is highly flammable.
Enemies can also use a Strength check against your spell save DC to break free, so STR brutes will be more difficult to keep restrained.
12. Enhance Ability
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (feather or fur from beast)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Lower levels mean a larger disparity between classes, but Enhance Ability increases ability modifiers to help you with that.
Touching a creature lets you choose between 6 different effects, all granting some form of ability modifier (you can choose from all attributes).
11. Lesser Restoration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Conditions are some of the worst debuffs in D&D, so ending one quickly is extremely useful. Lesser Restoration will help with that.
Touching a creature ends one condition or disease affecting it. Conditions include Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, or Poisoned.
These are some of the most common conditions, so having a way to get rid of them can make battles much easier to win.
10. Crown of Madness
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Driving a creature mad puts them out of battle and makes it a liability to its immediate allies. Crown of Madness is the spell to do just that.
Choose 1 humanoid to succeed in a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed. That creature must use an action before it moves on its turns to make a melee attack against a creature you choose (other than itself).
Note: Not choosing a target for it to attack means it can act normally on that turn.
9. Healing Spirit
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute
The soothing spirits of nature will swiftly heal your wounds.
With Healing Spirit, a spirit taking up a 5-foot cube appears. Moving into the spirit’s space for the first time on a turn restores 1d6 HP.
Note: The spirit cannot heal undead or constructs.
The spirit can also be moved up to 30 feet to space within your vision.
8. Aganazzar’s Scorcher
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (one red dragon scale)
Duration: Instantaneous
Blazing fire absorbs those unlucky enough to find themselves in its range.
Summon a line 30 feet long and 5 feet wide made of roaring flame. Creatures caught in this line must perform a Dexterity saving throw or then take 3d8 Fire damage on a fail but only half if successful.
Note: The spell has the potential to affect a large number of enemies simultaneously.
7. Moonbeam
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of opalescent feldspar and several seeds of any moonseed plant)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Shining the light of the moon on your enemies with Moonbeam causes searing pain, affecting shapechangers most of all.
A beam of pale moonlight shines down in a 40-foot-high cylinder in a 5-foot radius. Creatures entering the spell’s area for the first time must perform a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d10 Radiant damage if failed and half is successful.
Note: Shapechangers make their saving throw with disadvantage, and if they fail, they’re instantly transformed into their original form, unable to shapechange until stepping out of the pale light.
If enemies move around, you can also use an action on your subsequent turns to move the moonlight up to 60 feet in any direction you choose.
6. Invisibility
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (one eyelash encased in gum arabic)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Sometimes sneaking around obstacles isn’t enough to avoid detection, but using Invisibility gives you a lot more leeway.
Touching a creature turns anything it’s carrying or wearing invisible (as long as it’s on the target).
Note: If the target attacks or casts a spell, its invisibility will end.
Just be careful of enemies that can detect invisibility, as this will counter the spell outright.
5. Misty Step
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Teleportation, no matter how far, can prove to be extremely useful.
You surround yourself with silvery mist and proceed to teleport a maximum of 30 feet to an unoccupied area within your vision.
Note: Misty Step is a must-have for characters who want to have insane mobility or ways to avoid dangerous situations quickly.
4. Pass Without Trace
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a sprig of spruce and ashes from a burned leaf of mistletoe)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Sneaking past enemies with a large hulking Paladin is difficult without the use of some magic!
All creatures you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) get a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks. All of those affected will also have their tracks become untraceable without the means of magic.
Note: Since creatures affected by Pass Without Trace don’t leave any tracks or traces of passage behind, it makes a perfect infiltration and escape spell.
Gauge how much you need this spell, as having your Druid unlock this spell means you’ll have it at a lower level (level 3), while a Ranger unlocks it at level 5.
3. Phantasmal Force
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Sometimes illusions that torment our psyche are more effective than those in reality.
Craft an illusion in the mind of a creature, forcing it to make an Intelligence saving throw or a phantasmal creature; a visible phenomenon or object is created and only visible to the creature.
Note: Even though the illusion includes temperature, sound, and other different stimuli, if the creature inspects the phantasm and succeeds in an Intelligence (Investigation) check, Phantasmal Force ends.
The illusion is so powerful that the creature can take damage (1d6 Psychic damage) from the phantasm or even rationalize illogical outcomes after interacting with it.
2. Aid
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (one tiny strip of white cloth)
Duration: 8 hours
Some battles are tougher than others and require bolstering magic to win.
With Aid, choose up to 3 creatures to fill with increased resolve and toughness. Each target has its maximum, and current HP increased by 5 HP.
Note: Upscaling this spell adds 5 HP to each spell slot level above the 2nd.
1. Silence (Ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Sealing the lips of a mage is like withholding a vampire from blood.
A 20-foot-radius sphere where no sound can be created or pass through is created. Creatures or objects completely inside the sphere are immune to Thunder damage and are deafened.
Spells requiring a Verbal component cannot be cast inside the 20-foot sphere.
Note: Around 95% of spells use a Verbal component to be cast, so effectively using Silence against a spellcaster makes them close to useless.
Full List of 2nd Level Spells in D&D 5e
Spell Name | School | Casting Time | Range | Duration | Components |
Aganazzar’s Scorcher | Evocation | 1 Action | 30 Feet | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Aid | Abjuration | 1 Action | 30 Feet | 8 hours | V, S, M |
Air Bubble | Conjuration | 1 Action | 60 Feet | 24 hours | S |
Alter Self | Transmutation | 1 Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S |
Animal Messenger | Enchantment | 1 Action | 30 Feet | 24 hours | V, S, M |
Arcane Lock | Abjuration | 1 Action | Touch | Until dispelled | V, S, M |
Augury | Divination | 1 Minute | Self | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Barkskin | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S, M |
Beast Sense | Divination | 1 Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 hour | S |
Blindness/Deafness | Necromancy | 1 Action | 30 Feet | 1 minute | V |
Blur | Illusion | 1 Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V |
Borrowed Knowledge | Divination | 1 Action | Self | 1 hour | V, S, M |
Branding Smite | Evocation | 1 Bonus Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V |
Calm Emotions | Enchantment | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S |
Cloud of Daggers | Conjuration | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Continual Flame | Evocation | 1 Action | Touch | Until dispelled | V, S, M |
Cordon of Arrows | Transmutation | 1 Action | 5 feet | 8 hours | V, S, M |
Crown of Madness | Enchantment | 1 Action | 120 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S |
Darkness | Evocation | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V, M |
Darkvision | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | 8 hours | V, S, M |
Detect Thoughts | Divination | 1 Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Dragon’s Breath | Transmutation | 1 Bonus Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Dust Devil | Conjuration | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Earthbind | Transmutation | 1 Action | 300 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V |
Enhance Ability | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S, M |
Enlarge/Reduce | Transmutation | 1 Action | 30 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Enthrall | Enchantment | 1 Action | 60 feet | 1 minute | V, S |
Find Steed | Conjuration | 10 Minutes | 30 feet | Instantaneous | V, S |
Find Traps | Divination | 1 Action | 120 feet | Instantaneous | V, S |
Flame Blade | Evocation | 1 Bonus Action | Self | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V, S, M |
Flaming Sphere | Conjuration | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Flock of Familiars | Conjuration | 1 Minute | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S |
Fortune’s Favor | Divination | 1 Minute | 60 feet | 1 hour | V, S, M |
Gentle Repose | Necromancy | 1 Action | Touch | 10 days | V, S, M |
Gift of Gab | Enchantment | Reaction | Self | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Gust of Wind | Evocation | 1 Action | Self (60-foot line) | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Healing Spirit | Conjuration | 1 Bonus Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S |
Heat Metal | Transmutation | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Hold Person | Enchantment | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Immovable Object | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | 1 hour | V, S, M |
Invisibility | Illusion | 1 Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S, M |
Jim’s Glowing Coin | Enchantment | 1 Action | 60 feet | 1 minute | S, M |
Kinetic Jaunt | Transmutation | 1 Bonus Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 minute | S |
Knock | Transmutation | 1 Action | 60 feet | Instantaneous | V |
Lesser Restoration | Abjuration | 1 Action | Touch | Instantaneous | V, S |
Levitate | Transmutation | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V, S, M |
Locate Animals or Plants | Divination | 1 Action | Self | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Locate Object | Divination | 1 Action | Self | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V, S, M |
Magic Mouth | Illusion | 1 Minute | 30 feet | Until dispelled | V, S, M |
Magic Weapon | Transmutation | 1 Bonus Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S |
Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp | Transmutation | 1 Action | 30 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Melf’s Acid Arrow | Evocation | 1 Action | 90 feet | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Mind Spike | Divination | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 hour | S |
Mirror Image | Illusion | 1 Action | Self | 1 minute | V, S |
Misty Step | Conjuration | 1 Bonus Action | Self | Instantaneous | V |
Moonbeam | Evocation | 1 Action | 120 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Nathair’s Mischief | Illusion | 1 Action | 60ft | Concentration, up to 1 minute | S, M |
Nystul’s Magic Aura | Illusion | 1 Action | Touch | 24 hours | V, S, M |
Pass Without Trace | Abjuration | 1 Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S, M |
Phantasmal Force | Illusion | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Prayer of Healing | Evocation | 10 Minutes | 30 feet | Instantaneous | V |
Protection from Poison | Abjuration | 1 Action | Touch | 1 hour | V, S |
Pyrotechnics | Transmutation | 1 Action | 60 feet | Instantaneous | V, S |
Ray of Enfeeblement | Necromancy | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S |
Rime’s Binding Ice | Evocation | 1 Action | Self (30-foot cone) | Instantaneous | S, M |
Rope Trick | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | 1 hour | V, S, M |
Scorching Ray | Evocation | 1 Action | 120 feet | Instantaneous | V, S |
See Invisibility | Divination | 1 Action | Self | 1 hour | V, S, M |
Shadow Blade | Illusion | 1 Bonus Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S |
Shatter | Evocation | 1 Action | 60 feet | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Silence | Illusion | 1 Action | 120 feet | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V, S |
Skywrite | Transmutation | 1 Action | Sight | Concentration, up to 1 day | V, S |
Snilloc’s Snowball Storm | Evocation | 1 Action | 90 feet | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Spider Climb | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S, M |
Spike Growth | Transmutation | 1 Action | 150 feet | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V, S, M |
Spiritual Weapon | Evocation | 1 Bonus Action | 60 feet | 1 minute | V, S |
Suggestion | Enchantment | 1 Action | 30 feet | Concentration, up to 8 hours | V, M |
Summon Beast | Conjuration | 1 Action | 90 feet | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S, M |
Tasha’s Mind Whip | Enchantment | 1 Action | 90 feet | 1 round | V |
Vortex Warp | Conjuration | 1 Action | 90 feet | Instantaneous | V, S |
Warding Bond | Abjuration | 1 Action | Touch | 1 hour | V, S, M |
Warding Wind | Evocation | 1 Action | Self | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V |
Web | Conjuration | 1 Action | 60 feet | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S, M |
Wither and Bloom | Necromancy | 1 Action | 60 feet | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Wristpocket | Conjuration | 1 Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 hour | S |
Zone of Truth | Enchantment | 1 Action | 60 feet | 10 minutes | V, S |
Final Thoughts
The abovementioned spells are great to work into your spell list. Their various different effects bring a great dynamic to any spellcaster’s playstyle.
2nd-Level spells are truly your last step before you start unlocking some of the coolest spells in D&D!
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